Anybody have Vibram FiveFinger shoes?

Anybody use those Vibram shoes? Mountain High Outfitters has a huge sale on them right now and I'm contemplating buying them. Comments, suggestions?


  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    Bump... Curious what people think of them
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    I use them for my hikes, squat, and dead-lifts... LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!

    They are so comfortable but for just walking around town they are not appropriate, though i can understand why some people do.
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    I heard about them, and I want them! I only heard good things. However, I'd have to order them online and would like some more opinions, too.
  • smlieber26
    I have them, and absolutely LOVE them!! Before I got them I couldn't run more than 1 minute before my shins were in absolute pain and I had to stop - I got them and am now able to run 3 miles or more at a time :) Definitely recommend them!
  • jades492
    jades492 Posts: 6 Member
    My fiance and I both have a pair and absolutely love them...I use them for hiking and just walking the dogs (I'm a very fast walker but can't run since I broke my leg, had 2 surgeries on it and have major patellar tendon damage) He uses his for jogging.... helps my shins and posture too I think since I find I have no shin or back pain when walking on concrete with them. I would for sure recommend them!!
  • snugglesworthjr
    snugglesworthjr Posts: 176 Member
    I'd like to add my positive review to all the others. The vibrams are amazing. My feet are stronger and my knees experience less impact. It's a little strange at first because your toes are all separated, but you get used to that quickly. You'll feel really sore after your first few times wearing them because your foot muscles and calves are getting a good workout that they probably haven't had in years. Do note that in these shoes (and really in any shoes, but especially in these because there's no heel cushion) you should change your walking/running style or else your knees will be very unhappy. Instead of striking the ground heel first, you should strike it with the mid-foot. Check out this article:

    While the article is for runners, you can apply the technique to regular walking too. I am personally not a runner. I do a fair amount of hiking though and I find the mid-foot strike works best for my purposes. Walking around town I also use the mid-foot strike.

    For those of you wanting to order them online, I highly recommend going to a physical store that sells them, and TRY ON A PAIR. It's really difficult getting the right size by whatever measurements the vibram website suggests you take. Once you find your right size by trying on a pair, then order the model/color you want online. A friend of mine circumvented this by buying several different sizes online and returning the ones that didn't fit. My friend is also a little crazy :p
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    I love them for long distance walking. I minimize the weight I carry though. My feet have gotten so much stronger. I did switch from the KSO to the trekking model and I bought socks for them too
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    Can you try some on in the store? Proper fit is crutial for these
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    I LOVE them. Start out easy with them though, because they/the running form takes getting used to. I started walking in them and doing run/walks first. Prior to using them, I could jump rope for up to 45 mins at a time so I thought my calves would adapt very quickly to these shoes- hehe not so much! It took me about a month before I was running in them a full mile at a time (with very sore calves for a few days after) I can run a few miles with no problem/soreness now-actually, I run better and way faster! After 2 knee surgeries, I used to experience pain after every run for a day or two. With these, not anymore!

    That being said, I usually don't run more than 3 miles at a time in them, mainly because of the chafing on my toes. For longer runs I love the shoes New Balance made with Vibram, because I get the same effect but can wear socks.

    My favorite use for the Vibram shoes, though, has been lifting! It really helps me watch my form/fix imbalances I've had. What an improvement with squats and deadlifts!
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    Okay, thank you. I'll have to find a store here in Germany that sells them, then :)
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    Can you try some on in the store? Proper fit is crutial for these

    Good idea. I think I'll do that first.