Xenical, how many calories should I be eating while on Xenic

I am just wondering if anybody knows how many calories I should be eating while taking Xenical? I know I have to eat low fat but I am calorie counting on MFP

No hating please



  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    There's no need to eat any more or less whilst on Xenical. Eat the recommended number that MFP has given you.
  • I would actually just go by the calorie's recommended here on MFP if I were you. You can also manually adjust your fat grams goals so that it correlates with how many fat grams you should be at with the xenical. I think to do that you go to goals and then change goals and then custom. You can play around with the numbers to find what works for you! Good luck!
  • oouurr__aayylleeyycan
    I've not had it before but I've done the Alli diet and my sister has had Xenical and I think your main focus should be keeping your fat to be a bare minimum, which normally in turn keeps your cals down. I do a 1200 cal diet every day which is the lowest you should do before your body goes into starvation mode, so maybe do that?
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Thanks a lot for the advice! xx
  • debteel
    debteel Posts: 10 Member
    I am doing Alli and I go by what MFP recommends. So far seems to be working well. Good Luck!
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    I've not had it before but I've done the Alli diet and my sister has had Xenical and I think your main focus should be keeping your fat to be a bare minimum, which normally in turn keeps your cals down. I do a 1200 cal diet every day which is the lowest you should do before your body goes into starvation mode, so maybe do that?

    Thanks, can I just ask, do you exercise as well? I burn about 300 cal a day with basic exercises but I read that I have to eat those calories. At the moment I am eating just under 1400 (recommended by MFP to lose 2lbs a week) so if I have to eat those 300 then I am eating 1700 a day which is a lot of food I think? I have been exactly 2 weeks counting cal and exercising, and have not lost any weight..
  • oouurr__aayylleeyycan
    I asked the same question last week... and the advice I was given was that yes you should eat back your exercise cals as the MFP guidelines are already putting you in a calorie deficit.

    I thought this whole idea was a bit foreign to be honest, because it's always been drilled in to me that to lose weight you need to eat less, but if you don't eat your cals back your body will do the opposite of what you want it to do and it's likely to go into starvation mode and store up as much fat as it can.

    I normally eat most of mine back, but not all purely because I struggle to eat that much in a day! I've been exercising every day for the past 10 days and I've lost half a stone so far so seems to be working for me. I'm always mindful to make every calorie a good calorie if I can though - eating a Mars bar is often way more tempting and will use up my calories, but then there's the fat content which, as you'll know, when you're on Alli or Xenical will have baaaaad side effects! :P

    Give it a try and just keep your eye on it for a few days. x
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    hi danni,
    you dont say what you weigh, but im on 1740 and losing 1.5-2lb/week (im 221lbs). After exercise my net is around 1340.
    MFP already includes the deficit required for you to lose 2lb/week in your calorie allowance so if you exercise you should eat back the additional calories, as if not you will increase your deficit above what MFP recommended which is not healthy and can affect your metabolism.
    if you have started 2 weeks ago, it can take a while for your body to adjust to the new calorie level, just keep at it and the losses will come!