TTC and losing weight

i dont have too much left to lose maybe another 15-20lbs to be at my original target but me and hubby are now TTC as well so im looking for some support to stop me using the well i cant diet diet when pregnant as an excuse to be slack now i am wanting to try and eat healthy and not gain 3stone like ive done before

anyone up to kicking my behind?


  • m2agm
    m2agm Posts: 35 Member
    You can add me as a friend, I recently had a baby ..well 6 months ago and I wanted to lose weight before I got pregnant too, didn't happen as we ended up getting very lucky the first time we tried but, honestly pregnancy isn't an excuse to pig out ...if anything it's the perfect reason to eat even better, you are growing a new life !!
    That's not to say I didn't indulge under the pregnancy excuse myself at times, but my doctor said you only need about an extra 300 calories a day when you are pregnant .

    Let me know how I can help !
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    booting my rear when i slack will be a great help i gained way too much with my other 5 kids and struggled to lose it so this time i want to do it right and hopefully not outgrow all maternity clothes and live in busted tracky bottoms because its all i can fit in and then making sure i stay on track after i have a bub i have this tendancy to revert back to eat rubbish because its easier and i really do not want to be back where i started when ive been doing so good
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    Working on getting a bubba here too but also want to lose weight and continue with weight loss whilst pregnant or at very least maintain. Had a lot of problems whilst pregnant with my daughter and weight ballooned to 19 stone and almost lost her giving birth which isn't something i want to go through again or put baby through.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    sounds like a plan to me daytimedreamer just need to keep us motivated and knowing your near enough to real kick my butt is a great incentive i have to be good because i really do not want to have a bub and end up right back at where i started being over 10st was so depressing for me i would like to not be there for long if i dont have to
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    how are we today? i am having to be very restrained tuesday is mcdonalds day before shopping if i have more than egg muffin and coffee yell at me
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    having a good day today as have sister's small person and she reminds me of another reason to lose the weight so i can be more active when own little one becomes a reality, had a lovely bowl of porridge for breakfast, chicken sandwich and banana for lunch and having fish, new potatoes and peas for dinner tonight have squeezed in a couple belvita biscuits in too yum. going for a nice stroll so madam can have a nap at 2 and then a workout after she been picked up so busy busy day
  • becky2967
    becky2967 Posts: 124
    hi thats how my own journy ended me on MFP!! we have one gorgeous son already and was TTC2 but we sufferd three miscarriges. no reason was ever found just told to try and lose my weight i had gained over each pregnancy ( and the comfort eating this caused) my last loss was febuary last year and i decided to pull myself together & to do this! i need to lose another 4stone ( to be ideal ) yet but im 2stone lighter!;) we continued trying the hole way through, then our lovely miracle happend i darnt say it out loud but im 100% sure it will be ok this time its all the faith i have. good luck TTC xx
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 741 Member
    i dont have too much left to lose maybe another 15-20lbs to be at my original target but me and hubby are now TTC as well so im looking for some support to stop me using the well i cant diet diet when pregnant as an excuse to be slack now i am wanting to try and eat healthy and not gain 3stone like ive done before

    anyone up to kicking my behind?

    Hey, I am also losing weight and TTC, although we have been TTC for 3.5 years. I nee to get my BMI down in order to go on the IVF waiting list.

    If you are looking for friends then feel free to add me.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    becky i understand your pain i lost 2 i feel very blessed i have the 5 i do hubby wants a boy after 4 girls so we agreed 1 more wont guarentee a boy tho i just dont want to go back to how i was eating junk and not caring i want to stay positive and focussed i dont want my kids seeing me comfort eat and binge its too hard to see them follow my mistakes

    princess lou i will be sending you a friend request another boot in the rear is good for me

    daytimedreamer where do you get your energy for workouts and walkings im pooped after a 6am start with kids and a bad nights sleep