Week Two Weight Loss-Myth or Reality?

I just weighed in for week 2 and I lost .5 pounds. I am very discouraged because I worked just as hard as I did the first week, if not harder. I've heard people say before "oh, it's week 2", as in that explains the lack of weight loss. I've also seen the low numbers on biggest loser for week 2. Is it a myth or should I try not to beat myself up too much because I lost water weight the first week and now I need to keep pushing through? Any support would be appreciated :)


  • cindy629
    I, too, watch the biggest loser, and I guess they are right. the first week is mostly water weight loss, so the second week probably starts on fat loss and it is slower going. I have just joined MFP on Jan. 13 (Friday the 13th) lol..and am so motivated by the people on here, that I know I can do this. I know it's a life journey and I am willing to travel that road. :flowerforyou:
  • laurenek
    laurenek Posts: 2 Member
    Interesting! I had never heard that before, but I was having challenges in week 2 also- I couldn't tell if I was doing something wrong (although I was just around my calorie goal an exercising daily), or what was going on. Hmmm :)
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I don't know, but if I were you I wouldn't worry too much. It might be any number of reasons. You might have gained water weight because you're building muscle, or you might have just weighed in on a bad day.

    On reddit people often weigh themselves every day and make a graph of the results- and the results are always all over the place- some days they randomly weigh more than others, but the general trend is downwards. It just shows that your body's weight can naturally fluctuate, but as long as you keep at it you'll lose the weight.

    you should read this:http://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/nzwfy/for_those_new_to_weight_loss_be_careful_of_the/

    Or if you don't want to read that just look at this graph of their weight loss:

    Its all over the place but you can still see that they're generally losing weight over the long term. (:
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I think it all depends on the person. When I first started just cutting calories, I had an 8lb loss in my first two weeks. Once I added exercise, I stalled with no loss for about 3 weeks until my body adjusted. Just be patient and keep powering through and it will happen. Don't get discouraged with a .5 loss, I used to but now I realize that any loss is a good loss.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Depends. People who regularly exercise and who cut calories for an event (vacation, wedding, etc.) can lose a pound or two one week and the same the next.
    It's people who start a diet and exercise plan that go through this their first couple of weeks. Water is the first loss. Then the next week, it's actual combination of fat/lean tissue.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I was kind of wondering the same thing. I started the Atkins diet and have been between 15-25 carbs since Sunday January 8. In the first five days, I lost 5 lbs. Now I've been the same weight (+/- .5lb) for 5 days. My eating habit is the same as the first 5, but I'm getting a little discouraged. Has anyone else tried a low carb diet that also experienced this?
  • karenfatbum
    I am also in week 2. Last week I lost 5 lb this week despite doing more exercise and keeping to the diet(except Friday) I have only lost 1lb. I am hoping that there is some credence to your week 2 theory......all we can do is stick at it and hope week 3 is better.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. Some weeks you lose a lot (mostly water) and some weeks you don't. Look for a month to month trend and be patient.

    Also, don't model your diet/exercise or results off the biggest loser. It's unrealistic.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Half a pound may sound like a lame loss to you, but it's really a good number overall. I can't say whether or not "week 2" specifically is a hard week for everyone, because everyone's loss is different! I strongly recommend focusing on sticking to healthy goals - balanced diet, balanced workout, active life- and not worry about the number on the scale- that will sort itself out if you keep working towards healthy goals.

    Some weeks show big loss, some don't. Despite how it feels mentally, it's important to recognize that a smaller loss doesn't mean you didn't work hard, it just means your body wasn't ready for that loss right then. Relax, take what you got and move on your way :smiles: and congrats on posting a 2nd week loss!
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    Perhaps you should try to think in terms of this effort on MFP as being a journey instead of a race. Be content in the knowing you contributed to your overall health by doing the right things. Stay focussed and committed to the process and you will see the weight coming off. And don't forget to take your measurements (neck, hips, waste, arms, thighs)...what you don't see on the scale may show up as looser fitting pants :flowerforyou: If you are exercising you will start to "swap" fat for muscle... pound for pound you may be the same but you'll be leaner and stronger. KEEP THE FAITH
  • Cslicemarie
    I just experienced the same thing!!! I lost 5 pounds the first week and I just weighed in for week 2 and saw a 1.3 pound loss. Like everyone else is saying, I think we just need to give our bodies a chance to adjust.

    Just remember that a loss, not matter how small, is still a loss!!

    Keep going! Don't stop now! Perhaps week 3's results will be even better but you won't ever know if you stop trying!

  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Are you guys taking your measurements? I can stay the same weight, even gain a little, but my measurements will still be going down. That is what I really want anyway. I don't actually care what weight I am, it is how I look/feel that are important. If I could be in shape, toned, active, and healthy at the weight I am now, that would be fine (although quite phsically impossible!)