Lifestyle Change

I am just getting started on a "lifestyle" change rather than a diet. My question is when monitoring 1200 calories a day to help me lose weight. How much protein, carbs should I also have to lose weight? I just want to make sure I dont burn myself out counting calories but getting to many carbs or not enough protein or something that messes up my efforts. Any advice?


  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    My general understanding (I'm not a professional). Is that how much you weight depends on how much you eat, how healthy you are depends on what you eat.

    I think the reason so many people have issues with carbs or X is because they have a higher calorie content than other foods, and thus if you cut them out, you're "automatically" eating fewer calories. Just a guess.

    As for protein and carbs, just generally aim for what mfp says and you should be alright, but don't worry overly much if you are too high on those two.

    Good luck!
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    Congratulations with your new lifestyle change! My opinion is that 1200 calories a day is not enough to get all of the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to function on a daily basis. Not to mention, I don't think many people can permanently eat 1200 without feeling restricted. I am no doctor, but I would recommend eating above your BMR to give your body what it needs. Also, this way, you won't lose weight too fast, which can be very bad for your body. Drink a lot of water. As far as macros go, I don't pay too much attention, I'd rather try to just have a balanced diet. I am trying to incorporate more protein though so I don't lose too much muscle during my weight loss. I eat a ton of carbs, my body does great with them, but I think everyone's body is different. <-- I always recommend trying out this calculator, as it's really great for deciding an ideal calorie goal.

    Good luck on your journey :)
  • ical50
    ical50 Posts: 61
    I hae aimed for eating healthy and clean, thus eating much less junk, carbs, fatty foods. By doing so, I haven't worried about anything but calories. I look at the other numbers as I log and usually, I am pretty well on track, but I haven't stressed over it. Only eat it if you need it, not if you want it! Ask yourself, "Am I even hungry?" I have found myself putting something back in the fridge or pantry after actually stopping and thinking about it before doing it.