I'm struggling

That is what I am doing the most of. I'm have been on and off over the past year and while I've lost 10 and kept it off i know that it should be more. My problem is stress, lack of willpower and self destructing. I have a plan to fix these things (I hope). I was talking to a friend at work the other day and she has recently started a "diet" She bought a journal for counting calories and has been using that. When we were talking about what she had been eating there were a few times I would say "what about the amount of sodium" or someone else would say "what about the carbs". Her response was "I'm not counting those I'm counting calories." Now I know in the long run everything works together and that is what helps you lose, and probably keep it off but I think or better yet I know that is one of MY problems. I am so worried about all the categories. Not just calories but my carbs, sodium, sugar, fats. When I go to pick something out I look at it all, I plug it in and see where it puts me and I start to see those red numbers in my diary. I freak out say nope can't have that and try something else. By the time I find something that fits all areas I'm so frustrated and stressed out. A lot of times i hit this point before i find something to eat and say " just forget it" and then my mind says well you already screwed up what's the point (bad thing to do yes I know and I am working on this mindset). So at this point I am self destructing. I have decided to try and take a page out of my friends book (so to speak), and focus strictly on calories (for now). I think or hope that once my body is use to eating my set calories then I can go back and focus on the next category. So this is my plan and I pray that is works.


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It can be a real balancing act to juggle all the different elements. I think you're right to just focus on calories for a few weeks - then when you've got that under control, look at ONE additional item, and get that working for a few weeks before tracking anything further.

    Best of luck!
  • sadie1carter2
    sadie1carter2 Posts: 8 Member
    I've done Weight Watchers before, which I liked, but I actually think MFP is easier :) That being said, they base their "points" system on balancing the calories, fat, and fiber in any particular food... generally, lower fat and calories and higher fiber are good.

    Unless your doctor is super worried about your blood pressure, I would ignore sodium for the most part... even if you have high blood pressure, as you lose weight, it will gradually come down (maybe make that part of your periodic measurements :)

    For the rest, if you are worried about getting enough of various nutrients, maybe just make a multivitamin part of your daily routine.

    I know that "don't worry" is easier said than done, but maybe if you try to focus on fewer things (like cal, fiber, and fat, for example), it will be a little easier to manage :)

    Good luck! Having lost 10 pounds is great, even if you are frustrated that it isn't more :)
  • armon403
    armon403 Posts: 30 Member
    There are a few things wrong with just counting calories. Worst of which is that a calorie is not just a calorie. What this means is that your body will use nutrient based calories in dif ways. If your total daily caloric intake is 1200 and you eat 1200 cal. worth of ice cream you will gain weight and be unhealthy. You need to diversify your caloric intake and make sure you are not starving your body of essential nutrients. You will have cravings because you are starving your body of the right nutrients.

    Now, the longer you count calories and monitor what you eat the better you will be at it. You can plan your meals according to foods you know are healthy. I think this is the key to eating healthy. Have a plan. Know what your meal is going to be. Don't wait until you are hungry to seek out food. More than likely you will make the wrong choices out of frustration.

    Do not "diet." Change your lifestyle. Change your approach to food. Change your mindset about food. You can eat really delicious and filling meals and NOT go over your calories if you know what to eat. Take a look at the recipe threads or go online to find low cal meals.

    Finally, get help. Find a therapist or a nutritionist or someone who can help guide through from your old life your new life. Don't give up. It's not easy but you can do it. You just have to convince yourself that you can and it will happen. Good luck and I hope this helped...
  • MoMoves
    MoMoves Posts: 36
    I can only really focus on the calories...too many numbers stress me out! LOL But I find that when I try to eat a VARIETY of foods, in the right portion size, that it mostly balances itself out. One day I might go over in suger, the next in sodium etc etc. But in the bigger picture of things, it evens out. I do try to shop smart, choosing products with less salt, sugar etc...but I otherwise, how all the numbers plays out in my DAILY journal, I just don't allow myself to over stress about it.

    Something else that has helped me is subscribing to Taste of Home's Healthy Cooking Magazine. When you follow their recipies (which I have tried SO many yummy ones that have become new favs!) they are already designed to be balanced in terms of the numbers beyond the calories. And if the recipe is not logged into the MFP system already, it's super easy to register it yourself since they provide all the main numbers with every recipe.