Struggling and need help!

I was on a roll starting Jan like everyone else and since this weekend I have been trying to pick myself up but somehow I reach for the not so healthy foods and end up going over. What does everyone here do to keep moving in the right direction? I have always had weight issues, hence I have always been eating unhealthy so breaking the habit is becoming a challenge. How do you not let just one weekend or one bad decision dictate how you do the next morning? I workout and I plan my meals so that not the case most of the time. How do you handle going out with family for a celebration or going to a friend’s house and not know how/what they cooked? Should I just not have a social life until I am done getting rid of this weight? Help…


  • Cassi_Eats_Apples
    I take it step by step. If I mess up one day, oh well! It happens! We are human and lifestyle changes don't happen overnight.
    But I remind myself that tomorrow is a new day and a new chance to get myself back on track.
    And I also focus on the overall goal and being slimmer and healthier. and remind myself, I've already started, I've already had fatigued muscles, and have had sore thighs and arms, so I might as well keep pushing on so I can get a reward.

    Eating Healthy is hard. Working out is hard. Staying "fat" is hard. Pick your hard.
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    meal by meal. Don't be hard on yourself. This is a life long journey. Some days are awesome some days are hard. Keep going you have done so good. If I know I'm going out for dinner or eatting at friends,I try to eat low calories during the day. Lots of veggies and fruit so I don't feel bad about eatting with them at dinner.
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    How do you not let just one weekend or one bad decision dictate how you do the next morning?

    Why should it? If you made a mistake at work, would you quit your job? If you lost your temper and said something rude to a friend or family member, would you never talk to them again? Going off your plan isn't the best thing to do, but it happens. And there's no reason it means you should quit.
    How do you handle going out with family for a celebration or going to a friend’s house and not know how/what they cooked?

    Eat light leading up to the event and get a workout in. Then make the healthiest decisions you can and try to track it as best as you can.
    Should I just not have a social life until I am done getting rid of this weight?

    NO! Losing weight should be one part of your life, not the only think you think about, that's unhealthy. It's important to have fun sometimes and to celebrate with your family and friends. Just don't overdo it with unhealthy foods.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    One day at a time girl, one day at a time.
  • Lisa19690_1
    I Plan my whole weeks meals on a Monday. I find that this keeps me on track and i shop for what i need.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • rose0409
    This is VERY good advice!
  • laurenkoszola
    laurenkoszola Posts: 101 Member
    My sister always tells me that even if you eat one bad thing, don't let it get you in the mind set to eat bad for the rest of the day. Eat something healthy to make up for it (and continue to eat good). Everyone does it every now and then
  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    every day is a new day!
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    Don't let a weekend get you down. Tomorrow is another day - so, just get back on track... and If you're at a family function - you can always call before and ask what they're cooking- just say I'm really trying to watch what i eat - if they're not eating a healthy meal just politely ask if it would be ok if you brought a dish as well, to add to it. then you'll know there is something healthier available.
    Most people and family will be super supportive knowing you're trying to change your lifestyle.
    Keep working hard - you'll see results. !!

    feel free to add me if you need support! always here to help out a friend!
  • judgestacy
    I agree with the other responses! Do the best you can, but there are simply going to be times that you blow it. :) Think of it as a free day or a free meal and give yourself a "time limit." Say "today seems to be a lost cause, but tomorrow morning is a new day and I will make it mine (whether I feel like it or not). Sometimes when I know I am going to have an event or something that will be hard to track, I will work out extra long too to give myself some extra calories.

    You have to keep living your life.....because for true long term weight loss and health, you have to actually change your whole lifestyle, not just cut calories for a couple weeks or months. You have to learn how to handle those rough days throughout your life!

    Sometimes, I might also give myself a reward to work "if I get back on track this week, I will give myself a "free day" on Sunday." Etc. Then when Sunday comes, I often find that I am so motivated from my progress that I end up not needing the free day and can postpone it another week, etc.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    This is a lifestyle change for me not a diet so I am learning to eat in a way that will be healthy for the long haul. I don't deprive myself of the foods I love, I just eat smaller portions. I choose to be in control of what I eat. If there is a special event, I am careful with calories so that I can enjoy myself but I don't go crazy. I also drink a ton of water before especially tempting meals or events so that I am already full. I did this at Thanksgiving and Christmas and it was very successful. I had a gallon of water before dinner, ate small portions of all the foods I loved, and felt satisfied instead of deprived. The key is to control the food and not let it control you.
  • awoodwaring
    awoodwaring Posts: 90 Member
    I allow myself one day where I don't log day off, so to speak. I still try to eat well for most meals, try to stop when full and I try to balance it with more activity. However, I still eat what I want that one day (actually, I mostly eat what I like the other 6 days, I just watch the caloric intake). My days off are usually Saturdays. When I had dinner at my friends on Sunday we did a 3 hour hike before the dinner. The social part was the hike, the dinner a bonus. And, for dinner, I just mentally took note of what I ate and had extra salad.
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Hello! I think you are being to hard on yourself. Just stick to your diet and exercise plan and if you have a social event try not to over indulge but don't stress out about it. The key is to NOT GIVE UP!!! JUST PUSH YOURSELF. You need to find an exercise program that you really enjoy. Keep logging EVERYTHING you eat. For me I keep my food diary open to the public that helps me make wiser decisions cause I know that everyone can see it. I found 2 exercise programs that work great for me and I also drink Shakeology EVERYDAY, this reduces cravings, helps with weight loss and makes me feel really good. So don't think about yesterday think only about today. Think Positive, maybe you should join a small challenge group that will help keep you motivated..
    Take a deep breath and tell yourself you can do this...... You will succeed.....
    Good Luck and Take care.