Ruby's Mess

My take on an Eton mess. Main difference is you make it all yourself from scratch rather than buying the merangues and sauce in.

(Serves as many as you can be bothered making for)

You will need:

4 egg whites
100g white sugar
2 punnets Fresh berries (strawberries are perfect)
Low fat whipping cream

In a large bowl whisk the egg whites and sugar until it forms stiff peaks (to see if it is ready turn the bowl upside down over your head. If you don't get covered with egg white and sugar its ready. If not start again!)
On a lined baking tray spoon little piles of the mixture and place in a preheated oven at 180oC for 45 minutes until golden brown.
When cooled break up the merangues and add to a bowl. In a blender add 1 punnet of berries and whizz to form a fruity sauce. If you don't have a blender then put the fruit in a bag, seal it then go mad with a rolling pin, similar effect.
Slice the other punnet of fruit and add to the bowl along with the fruity sauce and merangues. Mix it all up and put in individual serving bowls. Whip up the cream and add a dollop to each bowl and serve.
If you want something a little different mix in some chopped nuts to the mixture before serving.
Kids will love this one and will love helping to make it, I know my little one did!
