
Okay, So I am young and so I like to go out with friends and have drinks. But this always seems like a recipe for disaster because invariably I'll be up a few lbs after drinking.

Whats up with this? What does drinking do to your body for this to happen?

So that's question number one. I'm wondering if anyone can give any insight into that.

Question number 2 would be, what's the most healthy way to enjoy having a few drinks? I think clearly it's not beer.


  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    When I go out I usually go for spirits with diet coke or soda i.e Jack Daniels and diet coke or vodka, lime and soda. I usually ask for a tall glass and extra coke or soda to make it last longer and I drink less throughout the night.
  • Babrao
    Babrao Posts: 152 Member
    I limit myself to drinking 1 day per weekend. The funny thing is that the morning after I drink my weight goes to the lowest (usually 2 pounds lower than normal) most likely from dehydration and then by the next day it is up 2 pounds more than normal and then a day or two later it evens out. Just keep in mind that the alcohol will cause fluctuations on the scale but it will even out. I try to stick to light beer or bacardi (clear rum) and diet.

    You are young, have fun, just don't overdo it :)
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    When you drink your inhibitions are lowered causing you to eat and drink a lot more than you normally would, which may cause you to retain some water weight.

    Question #2--moderation. Decide how many you're going to have and what, log it, then stop when you reach the limit you pre-set for yourself....that or don't go out as much.
  • taelech
    taelech Posts: 7 Member
    Quite frankly all of the above relpies are great. What I do is have a couple of rum & diet cokes just about every night. They weigh in at about 150 Kcal, combined. If you are drinking to "party" I would suggest not drinking alcohol on the non-party days and decreasing your food intake that day. That way the punch is stronger with less to drink. Of course, I would advise drinking to a stable level of relaxation and not to the point of "Woo Hoo! I can do anything!" but I realize that I am an old fuddy-duddy whose days of hardcore partying are behind him.

    A couple of things to remember: Long Pours will increase your calories as much as 50% for the drink. The post about extra diet coke for the drink is a great way to counter this, just remember to log it as 1.5 servings of liquor.
    You are right, beer is pretty high cal for the amount of alcohol, especially the premium non-lite beers.
    I use drinks to "justify" extra time working out (or is it the other way around?)... it is a great motivator for me. ymmv.

  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    Water retention c:
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I just quit drinking. It's been nice.

    The most I have is 2 beers every two weeks, if that many.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    Moderation. Since I started losing weight, I limit my alcohol intake to 6 beers one day a week (usually Saturday nights). Saturdays are typically my cheat day as well. I will usually log it, but not care what the calorie count is. For the rest of the week, I workout 4-5 times (burning at least 300cals), keep my calories under 1400, and eat pretty cleanly. It's all about moderation and not letting one night of drinking knock you off for the rest of the week.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Moderation. Since I started losing weight, I limit my alcohol intake to 6 beers one day a week (usually Saturday nights). Saturdays are typically my cheat day as well. I will usually log it, but not care what the calorie count is. For the rest of the week, I workout 4-5 times (burning at least 300cals), keep my calories under 1400, and eat pretty cleanly. It's all about moderation and not letting one night of drinking knock you off for the rest of the week.

    Imagine where you'd be if you didn't drink 6 beers a week and also have cheat days. Think about it.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Good luck with this. I did not have the mental capacity to consider trying to do anything like this when I was young and partying a lot. That said, I hardly ever drink anymore because I feel like it's a waste of my good food calories!
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I'll admit it right now...I have a few cocktails every night when I get home from work and finish my exercise. It's always vodka and club soda.

    I count the calories and budget for them.
    I realize that if I didn't have the drinks, my metabolism would be better and I'd probably lose weight faster.

    So, it's all about how important it is to you to include alcohol in your diet. I've gone through diehard, cleanse periods where I don't drink at all. I'm not in one of those cycles right now! But I am aware, I measure it out and I count every ounce.

    Moderation, moderation, moderation...
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I had this problem, and it works for me to just log everything. Then I sort of convince myself that a glass of wine is not work the exercise I'd have to do to work it off! I'm going to a bit birthday thing on Friday, so I'm spending Friday working out and eating low cal, filling things.

    Also, when I've been drinking, the next day I crave carbs, so that might have something to do with me gaining weight when I drink!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    From what I understand, when you drink alcohol there are several reasons as to why it affects your weight:

    1. As people have said, if you're out partying, you probably drink more than what you think you are
    2. Some alcohols are very calorific and sugary
    3. When I drink, I usually crave a salty snack such as crisps, so that's extra calories and sodium to boot.
    4. Your liver will work to remove toxins first and foremost before working with your body to target weight loss

    In terms of how to counteract this, it's up to you and your lifestyle! Personally, unless I'm told not to, I do not envisage my life without the occasional glass of wine. So if I cut it out completely, when I've reached my target weight, I would probably start drinking again, which would mean I would put on the weight again. So I'm trying to include it in my lifestyle and accept that I won't lose weight as quickly, on days I know I'm going to have 2-3 ( or more) drinks, I'll try and work out more that day and I'll make sure I drink a lot of water during the day and the day after....I'm just working on NOT reaching for the crisps at the moment!
  • I am at uni so this is a big question for me. I have continued drinking, but cut it down to a lower number of days a week and stick to vodka lime sodas. I also eat less (maybe not the best idea but hey hooo) and exercise the next day so I feel I haven't gone over ridiculously.

    I have also been avoiding beer and shots. Shots can have over 100 calories in one go!

    Good luck!

    Avoid the 'drunken munchies' as me and my friends call them! This is what caused me to put on weight in the first place. It takes willpower not to eat cos the alcohol increases your appetite, but it is possible. :)
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Driinking can cloud your judgement, perking up your appetite while causing you to relax your restraint.
    Also, there are lots of articles out regarding the metabolism of alcohol and it's effect on weight loss.
    I'm sure some will argue, but it is a bit more than calories in/out.
    That said, I enjoy an occasional cocktail, in moderation, and always counted, and not before exercise!
  • rgunn02
    rgunn02 Posts: 169 Member
    I stick to vodka water with lime - or just a splash of juice. If I can I try to avoid club soda as I find it has too much sodium and I have puffy fingers the next day
  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 228 Member
    I'll normally have a Mick Ultra or vodka with club soda. I usually try to limit drinks to 1 or 2
  • rizday
    rizday Posts: 1
    Moderation. Since I started losing weight, I limit my alcohol intake to 6 beers one day a week (usually Saturday nights). Saturdays are typically my cheat day as well. I will usually log it, but not care what the calorie count is. For the rest of the week, I workout 4-5 times (burning at least 300cals), keep my calories under 1400, and eat pretty cleanly. It's all about moderation and not letting one night of drinking knock you off for the rest of the week.

    Imagine where you'd be if you didn't drink 6 beers a week and also have cheat days. Think about it.

    Sounds like he did ;)
  • Vodka Lime and Soda is what I drink and you don't get such a bad hangover, which in turn stops you from eating a load of stodge the next day :laugh:

  • I've been wondering this as well. I'm going out for a friend's birthday friday, (first night out since taking losing weight seriously) and I'm unsure what to drink. I usually drink pints of lager (very ladylike), but I'm guessing that's the worst thing I could drink!!
  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    Vodka and seltzer....mostly between a 60-75 calorie drink depending on the vodka you use and how much.