


  • every time I go out drinking I order a water with every drink so I stay hydrated and drink less alcohol and mixers :) Plus, I was talking to my boyfriend and we both agreed that it was easier not to drink as much alcohol if there was a cup in our hands even if it was just full of ice water!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    lowest calories are vodka and coke and bacardi and coke. Stick to these and set yourself a limit. you will probably find you do not need as much as your loosing weight. If your gonna end up at the take away... chicken kebab with chilli sauce is the healthiest... know this from my party days lol. I dont really drink at all now though as i hate using the calories lol. Dont miss it. Feel the urge to have a girls night every 2-3 months and then i have some. I drink 1 water, one alcoholic drink. I still get merry, but manage to last the whole night and dont have a hangover the morning after whilst cutting calories too. even if you have 2 drinks, then a water... will really help! x
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    When I go out I usually go for spirits with diet coke or soda i.e Jack Daniels and diet coke or vodka, lime and soda. I usually ask for a tall glass and extra coke or soda to make it last longer and I drink less throughout the night.

    Definitely this! Also, just mxing with water and adding certain powdered water flavorings is good

  • hitslikeagirl
    hitslikeagirl Posts: 14 Member
    Have you tried the MGD 64 beer? It's like the diet coke of beer, and similarly it is an acquired taste. It works though!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I'm a vodka, soda water, twist of lime & splash of fresh POM - or - cranberry juice - so refreshing, especially if you are dancing. I agree with other posters, ask for a tall so it lasts longer.

    My favorite vodka atm is 3 Olives Pomegranite flavored, there are a lot of flavored vodkas out there to work with, have fun inventing something fun for yourself
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    1) alcohol is loaded with calories
    2) alcohol causes the body to store fat
    3) alcohol dehydrates you and interferes with sleep (these are both bad for weight loss)
    4) alcohol stimulates your appetite and reduces your inhibition leading to binge eating
    5) hangovers even mild ones reduce the intensity of the next day's workout or cause you to skip it all together.

    I'm not saying don't drink but be aware it can really make a difference in how much weight you lose
  • kyraslim
    kyraslim Posts: 8 Member
    I find when I have alcohol and have had a few drinks I start wanting to eat. I will eat anything and lots of it. I don't seem to care. Possibly you are eating as well?
  • kyraslim
    kyraslim Posts: 8 Member
    Very good. You have been doing your homework. Yes all the above is true. But I still like a drink on occasion.
  • Silverstar46
    Silverstar46 Posts: 187 Member
    well, the biggest thing a person needs to realize is that alcohol has calories. Yes, even liquor! If you go for diet sodas with your liquor then it's about anywhere from 70-100 calories a drink. With regular soda, obviously it's more calories.

    Michelob ultra is 95 calories for a bottle of beer and only has 2.3 carbs (that is excellent!)

    So no matter what you are drinking (liquor or beer) you are consuming calories. Having three, five, seven drinks can easily wreck your calories for the day if you didn't budget them!

    Hope this helps!
  • You need to keep this in mind:

    Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories
    Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories
    Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories
    Alcohol: 1 gram = 7 calories
    (source:, but also my Food Facts and Fads class from College)

    It doesn't seem like you're filling yourself up when you have a few drinks, but you're taking in more calories in a night of drinking than in most meals! It is very easy to just keep drinking because it doesn't feel like you need to unbutton your pants at the end of the night.

    Good luck!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member

    4. Your liver will work to remove toxins first and foremost before working with your body to target weight loss

    What I learned is that 2 alcoholic drinks affects your fat burning ability by 73%, so you have to work out harder for the next couple of days to get back to where you were. I also read that rum and diet coke is not a good choice, but I can't remember what the reason was. :ohwell: If I figure it out, I'll post it!
  • gagagul
    gagagul Posts: 63 Member
    Hello: I was just thinking about this for myself and I find that it's best to just cut it out all together if you truly want to see results or limit your intake to very special occasions, etc. I am going to try and do this for myself as well. Good luck to you!
  • When I drink (instead of eat) the rest of my calories at night I LOSE weight... This makes it very hard for me not to want to drink my calories! :noway:
  • hellotina
    hellotina Posts: 147 Member
    i use to drink every weekend, i've since cut back to about 2 nights out of a month. i just know if i over do it - don't expect a great loss. i also try to work out earliar in the day if i am going to drink. i usually do not eat my exercise points back but if i have them on nights i drink i feel a little better about it. so i will do zumba or something that will be high in cals burned. also- resisting food after drinking.. lol that's huge cuz my friends will be like "go to mc donalds!!" & i just have to stay strong. haha good luck =)
  • Beer and Wine are the absolute worse thing you can drink while dieting. They are full of sugars so you really want to avoid these two beverages when drinking. Yes, even the 64 or 55 calorie beers. If you are going to drink you should drink clear alcohol such as Vodka. Vodka has the least amount of sugar so I typically will drink Vodka and Ice Tea with Lemon. I do not like my tea sweet so this works well for me. If you do like your tea sweet you can always use a package of Truvia or Stivia. You can also do Vodka with Soda water and muddled lemon and limes. These are the drinks I drink on a night on the town and do not notice any weight change the next few days.
  • Definitely without fail my problem is not the drinking itself but the munchies I have afterwards. Last Friday I stuck to diet coke and vodka all night and even did some dancing to help burn off those calories, but on the way home we passed a McDonalds and I was with friends who wanted a burger so guess what I did? Yes, I had food too - a cheese burger AND a chicken mayo in fact :noway:

    It was still better than what I originally intended to have but certainly not great. My aim is to work on this drunk me and her choices so that instead of burgers she'll have something less carby and salty. At least I managed to convince her to have lots of water after the burgers to curb the hangover the next morning :wink:
  • I had this problem, and it works for me to just log everything. Then I sort of convince myself that a glass of wine is not work the exercise I'd have to do to work it off!

    Really? I wish I felt that way about wine, lol! I drink wine almost everyday... but I HAVE noticed that the weight comes off easier when I'm not drinking.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I had this problem, and it works for me to just log everything. Then I sort of convince myself that a glass of wine is not work the exercise I'd have to do to work it off!

    Really? I wish I felt that way about wine, lol! I drink wine almost everyday... but I HAVE noticed that the weight comes off easier when I'm not drinking.

    Oh, I still struggle with it, but I'll just have one glass instead of a bottle. And I've started drinking gin and diet tonic more than wine... don't get me wrong, I miss wine like hell! But I hate working out, so it levels out. When I'm out on Friday I bet it's wine I'll slip up on, not takeout on the way home!
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    Moderation. Since I started losing weight, I limit my alcohol intake to 6 beers one day a week (usually Saturday nights). Saturdays are typically my cheat day as well. I will usually log it, but not care what the calorie count is. For the rest of the week, I workout 4-5 times (burning at least 300cals), keep my calories under 1400, and eat pretty cleanly. It's all about moderation and not letting one night of drinking knock you off for the rest of the week.

    Imagine where you'd be if you didn't drink 6 beers a week and also have cheat days. Think about it.

    A few pounds lighter, sure, but also miserable. Nice self-righteousness there.
  • MrsLehman24
    MrsLehman24 Posts: 204 Member
    Beer is BAD!!! Drink Vodka and sprite zero. No carbs and taste great!!!