Tips for feeling hungry

Does anyone have any good tips for when you're hungry because you're bored or something. I have the problem of eating when I don't need to be eating, if you know what I mean.


  • Milziemooxx
    Milziemooxx Posts: 104 Member
    Try to drink lots of water if you are hungry. I tend to snack on Clementines, they are sweet and juicy and stop me from snacking on chocolate.... although every now and again I do have the odd choco treat :wink: xxx
  • luelmo
    luelmo Posts: 8 Member
    I'll try it, thank you!
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Make yourself busy! I find if i am sitting watching tv i really want to eat something probably because im bored or out of habit. I started sewing but also find that painting my nails or cleaning or something can help. Also, i find doing some exercise can help with hunger. I'm not a huge exercises, about 20 - 30 mins a day and find if im hungry, i will have a drink and just exercise and strangely dont feel so hungry after!
    You could also try hot drinks and chewing gum! hope that helps
  • TeeRaceFisher
    TeeRaceFisher Posts: 44 Member
    I drink water and do a set of some type of exercise (like 10 crunches, push ups or jumping jacks) I'm trying to train my brain that I'm not hungry at 8pm, just bored! Making sure all snacky type foods are out of my house helps a lot too!
  • VChristy07
    VChristy07 Posts: 10 Member
    Reach for a glass of water first. If you're still hungry in 20 minutes, try to find a snack with protein in it like a handful of nuts (I like almonds). If you really don't want the calories, try a stick of chewing gum!
  • Tjarvi
    Tjarvi Posts: 53
    Bumping for future refrence :wink:
  • luelmo
    luelmo Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone, definitely going to use some of these. I was so bored earlier and I knew if I just sat there I would get something to eat so I went on the Elliptical for half an hour instead.
  • Brendanery1967
    Brendanery1967 Posts: 21 Member
    I don't watch tv a lot anymore all those food commercials kill my brain. Even if I am not hungry I just want to eat that delicious no good for your body crap. lol. I try to have a snack every 3 to 4 hours. Depending when my meals are. 7am breakfast, 11am tiny snack the less calories the better. 1pm lunch. If I had a good enough lunch I will not do a snack but if I had a light lunch i will do a snack at 4pm. Dinner is at 6pm. Lots of water in between meals. I don't like WATER ;). If I get hungry from 7 to 9pm I call that my Emergency snacks. I only do those when my tummy feels like it has acid or it bugs me cuz I am hungry. I will eat a snack of 100 calories or less. I get on my treadmill in the morning because at night I just feel like my body does not want to. In the morning makes me feel energized for the day. Things to get my mind off eating: Cleaning house, listening to music, drawing, painting, being on the puter, babysitting my niece. Well that's what I do. I hope all of our tips help you out♥
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i keep a handful of almonds or cashews in a baggie. good calorie dense food, and perfect to much on.
  • MummyHungry
    MummyHungry Posts: 82 Member
    I've been keeping some bite-sized veggies in the fridge...raw zucchini makes an excellent snack food IMHO and you can eat a whole cup of that for like 20 calories. I just buy a few of them, chop them up into squares, and throw 'em in the fridge for when the snacking bug hits. I've also done the same with cauliflower, yellow squash, and celery, although I get bored with celery faster and some bits are bitter. Good luck!
  • miss_magzy
    miss_magzy Posts: 58 Member
    I think keeping busy is the best idea. Being lazy was ALWAYS my down fall. I convinced myself that if I didn't lounge around then i was not resting enough. IM ONLY 27! i dont need to rest that much. So now I only am a couch potato if I have finished absolutely everything I needed to. Chores, skin care, nails, hair, ANYTHING to keep me distracted. :) Also, if your REALLY hungry I think its important to look at ur diet and make sure you are not lacking in any of the feel good stuff like protein that help you feel full.
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    I agree with the posts about healthy snacks to help curb that "noshing" crave. I've found that in a desire to change to a more healthy life-style, I need to acknowledge this particular challenge, and plan around it. I agree with "stay busy," because that is what works best for me. For example, I've looked at my schedule and habits and KNOW that 5pm-7pm is a real danger area for me -- it's the time between getting home from work and having dinner with a later arriving hubby.

    Now, most days, I make this my gym time, stopping there on the way home. Other days, I volunteer in my local community (at the library) for a few hours after work. Still, other days, I have a plan to take my dog out for a long walk after work if the weather is nice.

    I totally agree, and I think you'll find some success in a combination of making a new plan, moving more or staying busy -- and using some healthy snacks to get through this until repetition helps replace new behavior for the old. YOU CAN DO IT, and be the master of your own lifestyle.
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    In between meals if I feel hungry, I drink a fiber supplement - makes me feel so full. but the evenings are another story...then I want to snack - not feel full! So I try to stick with apples, but sometimes I just cave.
  • Two options:
    1. Eat a healthy snack (small fruit, vegetables, nuts)
    2. Eat bigger meals to prevent the need for snacks. Bump your meals by 100 calories and see if that lasts until the next meal or bedtime.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    how much are you eating in a day? When I was keeping my cals too low, like around 1400, I was hungry all the time.
    Then, I FINALLY did what several of my mfp friends had been saying to do, EAT MORE and now I've lost 3.5 pounds in 2weeks and guess what....I'm only hungry when its nearing the time I normally eat or have a snack.

    For me, my body likes the schedule and so do I...I am hungry around the same times everyday. Saturday is a free for all and I eat as I please, havent' been counting. I don't go crazy and I have pretty good idea of how much I'm consuming still. This saturday, I'm thinkin a slice of pizza is in order...mmmm...and a lil ice cream
  • Drinking a glass of skim milk always seems to curb my hunger. I'm not a big snacker (I'd rather save those calories for a nice sit-down meal) so I just try to stay busy all day. If I really get hungry between meals, I'll eat a little bit of fruit or some crunchy vegetables.
  • Slahta
    Slahta Posts: 5 Member
    If I am craving chocolate, I chew a piece of Extra Dessert gum - the mint chocolate flavor. It tastes just like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Something I have just noticed the past two days - I used to eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast every morning about 6:30. By 8:00 I would be starving again. But the past two days I have been making an omelette with egg beaters and ham and cheese and it keeps me satisfied until around 10-10:30 when I have a fruit snack. Hope this helps!
  • Shelly4570
    Shelly4570 Posts: 1 Member
    SF Fudge Pops (40 calories) are one of my favorites!!!
    I'm a Chocolate/sugar lover so I needed to find a sub for that.

    One of my favorite NO Cheat Treats

    Soften a fudge pop (microwave few seconds) 1Tbs natural PB & 1 Tbs SF CoolWhip...Stir together. It really makes you feel like you are cheating. If I'm having a REALLY bad day...I go for 2 pops since they are only 40 calories! :D

    My kids LOVE it too!! :)

    ** Make sure to check the Label on the NATURAL PB...Some aren't as healthy as you may think.**
  • tea! Normal or green, will keep your belly warm and full.
  • MPLB
    MPLB Posts: 14
    I always have a sugar free Jelly made up in the fridge for those desperate moments. Its only 32 calories for the whole pint and curbs my need for something tasty. I don't have to feel guilty about eating it all in one sitting and besides it makes you feel full.

    If your in the US then I'm not sure what you would call this there? I know what we call Jam is your Jelly, does anyone know?

    Here's a link to the product