Exercising with a cold ...?

I've been feeling quite unwell (chesty cough and cold) but i still want to exercise not sure if i should , i attempted yesterday (30 DS) and managed to get through it but afterwards found my cough had gotten a little bit worse. I've really gotten into exercising everyday but not sure if i should wait a while and if so for how long ? , any advice would be really helpful thanks x


  • ChanyRae
    ChanyRae Posts: 112
    I think you just have to listen to your body. If you feel run down, take the time to rest. It will help your body get rid of the bug faster. Hope you feel better soon :smile:
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    I'm just recovering from a cold that started last Sunday. I haven't been able to exercise because as soon as any vigorous cardio starts, I start coughing and choking. I'm hoping it will be gone tomorrow as I've been feeling better the past few days although I'm still coughing. I tried going for walks, but apparently the cold air makes me cough as well!

    I think you should relax a bit, your body needs to get rid of the sickness and you'll only hinder it if you push yourself through exercise. You could still lift weights if you don't have the achey legs and arms like I did though perhaps?
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    the general rule of thumb is if its a head cold then its fine to exercise, but if its on the chest its best to rest. but everyone is different, if you really want to exercise then go for it, but be aware you may have to go lighter than usual.

    i've had a head cold since friday and in theory should have been fine to exercise but nope not being able to breathe through my nose and a tight chest and sore throat scuppered that idea, so i took a couple of days off kept an eye on my cals, kept my fluids up, and thankfully yesterday i was able to go for a nice brisk walk (5 miles) in the countryside on a frosty morning and suffered no ill effects, did a more aerobic work out today again fine and my nose is starting to work again so will do a bit more tomorrow.

    listen to your body
  • sahrak1
    sahrak1 Posts: 56 Member
    thank you for the advice guys x and as much as it burns me to say it but im gonna skip the exercise for a day or 2 at least until my chest stops feeling likes its on fire ! lol x