Protein Shakes...I need some help please :)



  • bremba
    bremba Posts: 1
    I make a Jillians Triple Chocolate Shake for my reward after exercising. In addition to adding extra protein to my diet, it acts as an additional incentive to help me exercise. It is very filling and keeps me from getting hungry so I don't eat other snacks between my meals.
    One scoop has 14 g protein. It says you can make it with water or milk. Use water for a 100 calorie shake. (Haven't tried it with just water.) I use 1/2 - 3/4 c Original Silk soy milk and 1/4 to 1/2 c. coffee. I add ice cubes and 1/2 banana. This shake has a nice chocolate taste and the mix can be purchased at WalMart.
  • Ready4Goal
    Herbalife Shakes are really good, u have to buy the shake powder and a container of the protein powder..Its thick like a milkshake and it really keeps u full for about 3-4 hours I had the french vanilla flavor and loved the taste..I didn't do it long enough to see results but i plan to start again and do 2 shakes a day to loss...1 shake a day to maintain:)
  • Mary2270
    I had gastric bypass and had to drink protein shakes for the longest time to get in all of my protein. Many of the nutrition places will allow you to go in and sample the protein shakes that they sell. Just make sure you know if they are using water, milk, etc to mix it up. I still use the UNJURY brand of protein from They mix really well. Also, I love to use the PURE protein shakes that you can get at Target, WalMart, GNC, They are premade and easy to drink. Alot of the protein powders are gritty and taste disgusting.

    I also have used the Slim Fast Optima shakes and the Atkins shakes. They were all approved by by doctor and nurses.
  • shanalivee
    Something to keep in mind about protein shakes-- you want them to be Whey and not soy based. Soy mimics estrogen in the body and has been linked to breast and uterine cancer in women, also has been linked to breast development in men. (much more dangerous for men than women, but women should still limit their soy intake if at all possible.)

    I don't recommend replacing your meals with a "protein shake" as you will be missing many nutrients that are necessary for sustained weight loss. I also don't really like the slim fast shakes because of their high sugar content. "But I'll just take a multi vitamin." I'm not saying that taking a multivitamin is not beneficial, but the bulk of your nutrients should not come from artificial sources (I don't know for sure, but I suspect that slim-fast and other meal replacement shakes use synthetic nutrients). If you're going to drink a shake, make sure you also eat a piece of fruit and some vegetables with it.

    Greek Yogurt makes a great alternative to a protein shake!! It's high in protein, high in calcium, and studies have shown that eating 6-8 oz. of it can increase weight loss by up to 65%. (See women's health today for this stat).

    That said I drink a whey protein shake made with skim milk or light soy milk every day within an hour after my workout. It's IMPORTANT to replace the glucose in your muscles after exercise... even if you don't feel like eating. The chemical responsible for replacing muscular glucose is most active for the hour following exercise and has decreased to little or no activity within 2 hours following exercise. By replacing the glucose, you're allowing for your workout the following day to be much more productive. By eating a large dose of protein immediately following exercise, you're giving your body the necessary amino acids to build muscle. Whey or Casein protein doesn't matter. :)

    Feel free to ask me more questions. I love being able to use my degree occasionally. :)

    what do you think about egg white protein shakes? i just purchased this huge bag of Jay Robb egg white protein and i started using it for breakfast along with fruit and maybe yogurt depending on the day! what do you think??? i also think i will start using it after my hard workouts and not take it in the morning.

    i like the Jay Robb egg white protein shake bc it tastes good and i mix it with light soy milk vanilla and i feel like i am cheating but am not! and no i am not getting paid to say this lol i am just trying to figure out a food / shake routine that works
  • TAC2413
    TAC2413 Posts: 27 Member
    I think that if it works for you then it's what you need to use! I personally use a muscletech chocolate whey protein powder and it tastes pretty good if you get it mixed up well (I use a single serve blender to make mine). The reason I use whey over egg whites is that your body metabolizes more of the protein and puts it to use better than any other form of protein. Whey and Casein proteins are metabolized in basically the same way, so either of those or a blend are a good way to go.

    You just want to make sure that you're actually getting protein in the powder and it's not just being marketed as a protein supplement and turns out to have 3 grams of protein and be full of sugar and fat. READ THE INGREDIENTS! READ THE NUTRITION FACTS!

    Also, as stated in my other post, I do not recommend using a protein shake as a meal replacement. There is not enough other nutrients in the shake to be part of a balanced diet. Protein shakes are designed to be post workout recovery tools. Drinking a protein shake AFTER working out replaces the glucose in your muscles (not replacing this glucose will NOT help you lose weight faster, in fact it WILL cause your subsequent workouts to be less effective... even if you do not use a protein supplement-- you need to eat something to replace the glucose.

    Just to be clear. I am NOT a nutrition expert, I have a degree in exercise physiology--meaning I know about nutrition, but I am not a nutritionist. I can tell you LOADS about body chemistry, metabolism, and exercise along with macronutrients (protein, carbs, fat) and electrolytes, but not much about micronutrients (selenium, magnesium, etc) When in doubt, make an appointment with a nutritionist.
  • shanalivee
    thanks a lot for the information and i started drinking my shake after work outs and i use it as my treat because i do like the taste of the protein shake i am taking! and yep i read the ingredients and tons of protein and low sugar so i will stick with it until i finish the package and maybe i will try the why protein!! thank you