
I want to lose weight. I'm currently 16 stone 7 pounds (or 231lbs) and I want to lose weight to get to a healthy weight for me (about 11stone).

I keep saying I'll start Monday and then getting the junk out the way and then never starting.
I have tried just deciding there and then I'm losing the weight.
I have tried planning every meal.
I have tried keeping busy so I'm less hungry.
I have tried talking to people.
I have tried goal dates.

But nothing works.

I can't keep trying to start every day of my life.

For example, today I got up. I had a fairly healthy breakfast. And it all went downhill from there. I had chocolate, and tinned ravioli...

It's like I'm sabotaging myself at every step. But I want to lose the weight. I am at a loss as to what to do. The second I decide to eat healthy all I want is takeaway of chocolate.

This isn't really a question, more of a rant. But any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated.

Jess x x x


  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    Get the junk thats sabotaging you out of the house. I know if there's chocolate or sweets in the house all my motivation just goes down the drain. I swear 99% of my success is not having the stuff there because as soon as my dad brings home cookies I just have to eat them.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Get the junk thats sabotaging you out of the house. I know if there's chocolate or sweets in the house all my motivation just goes down the drain. I swear 99% of my success is not having the stuff there because as soon as my dad brings home cookies I just have to eat them.
    If you don't buy it you can't eat it. :drinker:
  • It's not an easy road at all, but you can so do this!! The first step is to clear all of the junk out of your cabinets and pantry. If you don't have it in the house to eat, you can't eat it! Go to the grocery store and by healthy foods. Fill your fridge with fruits and veggies to snack on. Fill your pantry with oatmeal, whole wheat breads, brown rice, tuna, etc.
    Set small goals for yourself and as you accomplish those, make new ones.
    I have been there and I know what the fight and struggle is like. Don't give up!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Start writing down your goals and posting them so you see it every day. And then measure yourself against those goals. Also, if you don't push yourself mentally, you wont' succeed either. And lastly, get a friend or someone to do this with you. It makes it easier.
  • That sounds so simple. But it's just been Christmas. My partner and his daughter have a load of their chocolates still in the cupboard. I thought about just putting them at the top of the cupboard as far away from my reach as possible (as I have to use a toddler step to get to the top shelf) and then our of sheer laziness wouldn't eat them. How do I motivate myself to eat well though? Do you think persevering with the planning would help? I thought about preparing some healthy dishes and keeping them in the freezer so I can just heat them up...? And the exercise is a HUGE point. How do I force myself to get off my bum and exercise? I hate it right now.
  • Start writing down your goals and posting them so you see it every day. And then measure yourself against those goals. Also, if you don't push yourself mentally, you wont' succeed either. And lastly, get a friend or someone to do this with you. It makes it easier.

    Thats a good idea. I have thought about starting a journal.

    And my sister is about 2 stone heavier than me and I know she wants to lose weight too. The only problem is she doesn't live near me and I only see her every couple of months or so.
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    That sounds so simple. But it's just been Christmas. My partner and his daughter have a load of their chocolates still in the cupboard. I thought about just putting them at the top of the cupboard as far away from my reach as possible (as I have to use a toddler step to get to the top shelf) and then our of sheer laziness wouldn't eat them. How do I motivate myself to eat well though? Do you think persevering with the planning would help? I thought about preparing some healthy dishes and keeping them in the freezer so I can just heat them up...? And the exercise is a HUGE point. How do I force myself to get off my bum and exercise? I hate it right now.

    You don't have to do everything at once. Maybe you could start one day by just eating under your calorie goal, not worrying about eating healthy. Then once you've managed that for a while then you could start setting goals like eating healthier meals. If it seems too daunting it'll be harder to do, but if you just think "all I have to worry about today is not eating too many calories" then it might make it easier?
  • I like your thinking. It does seem huge, maybe thats why I'm not coping too good.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Start writing down your goals and posting them so you see it every day. And then measure yourself against those goals. Also, if you don't push yourself mentally, you wont' succeed either. And lastly, get a friend or someone to do this with you. It makes it easier.

    Thats a good idea. I have thought about starting a journal.

    And my sister is about 2 stone heavier than me and I know she wants to lose weight too. The only problem is she doesn't live near me and I only see her every couple of months or so.

    It's ok if your sister doesn't live near you, you can use the internet or skype (video chat).... Or just keep coming on here every day and post your accountability.
  • geecee77
    geecee77 Posts: 149 Member
    I have found that writing every single thing that goes into my mouth into my food diary on here works. Like you I struggle, and usually by day 4 I give up, now I'm day10 and 4lb lighter :) I have also found that befriending a few people on here is motivating as well.

    I'm hooked!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Normally, I don't recommend an all or nothing viewpoint for weight loss. I feel like it causes resentment and leads to binge eating. HOWEVER. If you're struggling to keep yourself under control when it comes to junk foods? It is time to sweep the house clean of them. Get them out of the house and start fresh with healthy choices instead. Once you get into the groove, perhaps you'll be able to bring some of this stuff back around.

    Only YOU can do this. YOU have to want this for yourself. No one else can want it for you.

    Good Luck to you.
  • Nogo
    Nogo Posts: 105 Member
    I've been in your shoes and have no doubts I'll wear them again. Like others have said - set small goals.

    Another thing that helps me is to read success stories. If others can do it, so can we!
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    It takes something like 21 days to change a habit - so just do one day at a time. If you fail day 1, try again day 2. It actually gets easier after awhile. Of course, you have to want to change and set yourself up for success like everyone's saying - get rid of all the junk in the house.

    Good luck!
  • auntv77
    auntv77 Posts: 24 Member
    My husband loves a sweet and can control himself when he has one (who eats one piece of chocolate). The agreement in our house is the junk food goes in his office (which is a mess and i don't go into). Amazing how out-of-site-out-of-mind really does work!
  • In my experience, it's been more about eating the things that actually SATISFY hunger. Once you eat more of that, there's no more room/cravings for junky stuff. What I have noticed is that if I eat a tub of pringles.... I'll definitely want more pringles. Or something else with the same flavor pallet. I recently watched a documentary discussing the "triggers" in your stomach for fullness. A lot of the refined things or modified things we eat (ravioli, etc.) doesn't trigger the same hormones of satisfaction/satiety. Find some REALLY yummy food that has mostly whole grain, and you'll be sa-tis-fied! No room or desire for junk!
  • It really comes down to when you are willing and ready you will make it work. I said I'd lose weight and exercise starting like 2-3 years ago...

    When my BP hit 144/101 and I weighed nearly the most I've every weighed... I said it was time. I made it a New Years Revolution and then a friend helped me find this site... from there I just input everything that i eat and drink... then I started just walking 15-30 minutes a day. I've lost 6 pounds so far, just in about 2 1/2 weeks.

    It's discipline more than anything else...
  • mill1295
    mill1295 Posts: 120 Member
    Try finding an exercise that you like more. Try a bunch of different things.. even walking is good exercise.. Like personally I hate running.. I love lifting weights so that's what I do. It's easier to talk yourself into exercise if you can remember how you felt at the end of the last time you did something you liked.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I would keep working on the planning. Something that I do that may help you is to log my whole day ahead of time. That way I know about how many calories minimum that I need to burn to meet my calorie goal for the day. I'm also less likely to have those little indulgences if I know all the good stuff is taking up my calorie budget for the day.

    Definitely agree with baby steps. This week, just promise yourself to track everything you eat every day. Next week, try to stay within your calorie goals at least 3 days. Week 3, stay within your calorie goals 6 days. Week 4, exercise 3 times per week. Week 5, eat your fruits and veggies. You don't have to follow that exactly, just giving you an idea of where to start...
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I don't think you have the mental part of this journey straightened out yet and if you don't have the proper mindset, all of the things you listed are going to happen to you. I think it is very beneficial to spend some time digging up the things you hate about your lifestyle and the reasons you want to change it. If you dig deep enough and find powerful enough reasons, you can succeed. Your mind is holding you back. It doesn't have to. Try the activity in my will power blog. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/H_Factor/view/recipe-for-a-will-power-pill-for-help-with-the-mental-part-of-the-journey-155978
  • chaoskitty
    chaoskitty Posts: 29 Member
    I feel the same way, I'm very self sabatoging.

    I think it really helps to use this food journal, writing down what you eat and EVERYTHING that you eat really does help.

    Also include your sister in your goals, even if she does live far away, you can use the internet and this site to motivate each other, challenge each other to do exercise.. like ok today we are going to walk this far.. even if you call each other and talk on the phone while walking, it's something.

    As far as the sweets go... my husband loves junk food and it's hard to stay on the right track with it around. Just try to say "one or two days a week can be my days to have whatever" and focus on eating healthy the rest of the days.. a little change helps in the long run. Eventually you won't abuse your "days off" as much as you used to... and you will start seeing results.

    Also find other alternatives for your sweets cravings. There are some really good lower calorie snacks that are out there, much healthier than a candy bar and still taste close enough.