Are you trying to Conceive?



  • My husband and I will be ttc our 2nd in June. We already have a little girl that will be 3 in March, and I'd really like to lose some of the extra weight before we start trying again.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    We have been trying for about a year now. Doc suggested I try to lose weight first then see if things get easier. All my blood tests were normal, so hopefully we'll have some luck in the near future.
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    I also have PCOS. Back in 2006 I found out i was pregnant the day after my now husband proposed to me. Obviously it wasn't planned but I was still ecstatic. I now have a 5 year old boy who is amazing. We have been trying since he was 3, so going on 3 years. Last December (2010) i have a miscarriage (ectopic) at only 5 weeks. I am very nervous for that to happen again. Dr has suggested fertility drugs but my insurance wont cover them. They diagnosed PCOS about a year ago. I am hoping that once i lose some weight it will balance my system out a little and make conceiving easier. It just breaks my heart because my husband missed my whole first pregnancy and the first 7 months of our sons life because he was on a 17month deployment to Iraq. :(
  • Feel free to add me too! I have PCOS and we haven't really started 'trying' but we're not really stopping it from happening either. After I drop a bit of weight we will be so I'm interested in your stories/advice/experiences.

    Good luck to all of you!
  • I have to lose another 1.5 stone so that we can start IVF treatment. We should be getting a letter any day now to go for our first appintment since being referred. Feel free to add me.
  • We have been marriend since June and haven't really started trying just yet but my husband and I have talked about it and "plan" to start trying in the fall. I am trying to avoid being pregnant in July & August because I don't do well with heat! HA! :mad: I know that there are struggles and it's not as easy as I think to conceive so I have been doing things to help me be healthier so that when I do become pregnant, my pregnancy, labor, delivery and recovery will be better for me and the baby.

    I've been a part of the MFP family since June 2011 and have lost 27 pounds. I have about 23 more pounds I would like to lose. I am a work in progress, that's for sure! I know that my weight, diet and activity level need to improve if I want to be a healthy person, wife and mommy.

    Good luck ladies - feel free to add me if you woud like. I know this is can be a tough journey but together, we can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I have PCOS, and highly irregular periods... my cycle lasts anywhere from 17 days to 144 days, partly because of my weight and partly because of a hormone imbalance... which contributes to the weight. I have had 5 miscarriages to date.... and it gets harder to want to continue trying with each one.
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    We are currently trying to conceive. I'm not sure if I should post here because I never had problems conceiving our first one. She is 7 months old now and I only have to wait 2 more days to find out ( 2 week wait always kills me) It only took me til the second cycle to get pregnant with my first and this is our second cycle of trying for our second. So...Hi everybody and good luck to all :)
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    Feel free to add me or message me.
    I am TTC (trying to conceive) my second. I have a little boy currently. I had a miscarriage before I fell pregnant with my son.

    When pregnant previously I was about 28lbs lighter than I am now (which is by no means all I need to lose) So I'm hoping that a little weight loss will help in my journey.
    Good luck with your weight loss and TTC journey.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Err, I came here to give a silly response. Getting lots of practice but not actually trying to conceive.. lol . I read through the replies though and they are serious, so wanted to tell you ladies I wish you the best of luck on your journey! May you be blessed with the family you are hoping for. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • kkuhly
    kkuhly Posts: 80 Member
    My husband and I have been TTC for 2 years now. We started fertility treatments in october with no luck so far. This last month has been really rough. My cycle wasnt going as it should and my follicles were not growing! I was beginning to wonder if I would even be able to have babies! We went for an ultrasound to see what my follicles were looking like yesterday. They have grown beautifully and the dr is hopeful that this cycle may work! The medications have made it pretty much impossible to lose weight so I have just been struggling with maintaining. Hopefully in a few weeks I will be able to report back with good news.
    Lots of hope and prayers for everyone!!!
  • mommalove1956
    mommalove1956 Posts: 7 Member
    I have PCOS as well. I am now going through my 2nd miscarriage (cd2 for me). Ive decided that its the weight that is holding me back from carrying a baby so Im going to try to lose weight. Yesterday was my first day back in the gym and this morning I just didnt want to go. I need friends on here that will be mean and tell me to get off my butt if they have seen I havent gone! Everyone feel free to add me. I dont know anyone else who has PCOS, so Im doing this alone.

    Good luck to everyone that is trying. We will have our babies!
  • I have my first child. She's 2 (3 in june). Me and my partner really want another. When I got pregnant the first time I wasnt as heavy as I am now and we we'rent trying. I was told I couldnt have kids so we didnt practice safe sex. We have been trying for 6 months now and I have had 2 really late periods making me think im pregnant. They are becoming really irregular so I dont know when Im going to be ovulating to work it that way. I have had severe depression and post natal depression in the past and I am being taken off my antidepressants slowly. Ive been told this may help? Something to do with taking these slow your motabalism which causes you to put on weight? Im not exactly sure myself. I really feel for those trying for their first and having a worse time than me. Having a baby is one of the 5 reasons to lose this weight. I'm 5ft and 14stone. With a hip problem (One leg shorter than the other). So im in a lot of pain from being overweight. I have no motivation just reasons why I should lose weight.
  • mocty
    mocty Posts: 6
    I have PCOS also. In 2009 I wanted to conceive and didn't get pregnant so my OBGYN referred me to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. He put me on some medication and within 3 months I was pregnant. I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter now and want to lose some weight before I try for another. I'm hoping that by this July I will have lost weight and be pregnant again. I'm currently on metformin and tracking my fertility.

    Good luck to all of you ttc. If you haven't seen a specialist yet, I highly recommend it if you are having no success.
  • clhandwerk
    clhandwerk Posts: 52 Member
    My hubby and i have been trying not that long, since the middle of august, that was mainly when i got off my birthcontrol. we have been SERIOUSLY trying for a month, like plaing out when to do the deed LOL! but i konw that i need to loose weight my doc said i probly have PCOS so im def driving to loose weight so we can get prego, feel free to add me ladies would love some support and motivation. :)
  • TheNewMrsDemo
    TheNewMrsDemo Posts: 26 Member
    The hubs and I weren't really trying to conceive but we really weren't preventing it either. We got pregnant in Oct but then lost the baby in December. I'm back on here because being pregnant made me realize how MUCH I did want a child. My Dr has no problem with us TTC again right away, but I think we are waiting so I can drop some weight and make things easier for both the baby & myself.
  • We are trying for our second, have been for about 7 months. The first time took us 5 months to concieve, and I guess I figured it would be the same amount of time or less. Each month I start, I am sad that first day, but I try to focus on the fact that I have one more month to focus on myself. The good news is I weigh about 15 lbs less than I did when I got pregnant with my first. Do you ever worry that you are putting stress on your body by exercising and eating less than it takes to maintain?

    I personally don't worry about putting stress on my body because I am very overweight :-( I think my body appreciates the working out. I know it will happen for you. !
  • The hubs and I weren't really trying to conceive but we really weren't preventing it either. We got pregnant in Oct but then lost the baby in December. I'm back on here because being pregnant made me realize how MUCH I did want a child. My Dr has no problem with us TTC again right away, but I think we are waiting so I can drop some weight and make things easier for both the baby & myself.

    Great idea!
  • I have my first child. She's 2 (3 in june). Me and my partner really want another. When I got pregnant the first time I wasnt as heavy as I am now and we we'rent trying. I was told I couldnt have kids so we didnt practice safe sex. We have been trying for 6 months now and I have had 2 really late periods making me think im pregnant. They are becoming really irregular so I dont know when Im going to be ovulating to work it that way. I have had severe depression and post natal depression in the past and I am being taken off my antidepressants slowly. Ive been told this may help? Something to do with taking these slow your motabalism which causes you to put on weight? Im not exactly sure myself. I really feel for those trying for their first and having a worse time than me. Having a baby is one of the 5 reasons to lose this weight. I'm 5ft and 14stone. With a hip problem (One leg shorter than the other). So im in a lot of pain from being overweight. I have no motivation just reasons why I should lose weight.

    Goodluck on your journey! Getting healthy is the way to go.
  • If you all want to add me , you can. I have PCOS and having trouble. It's so hard when everyone around you get's pregnant and doesn't understand.