Hi! food/craft beer lover here!

I'm new, 25 and married. I'm trying to get back to my old weight 135-140. Right now i'm 5'7" and 185 pds and i've lost 15 pds so far eating right BUT not working out. I have a dog and I take him on long walks but i'm looking to join the ymca close to home to start working out. Last year I lost about 30 pds but gained it back from going out to eat a lot with my husband. We both work in the restaurant business so we are constantly around good food and craft beer. I also blog about craft beer however I have been drinking it less in the past few weeks. Any other craft beer lovers out there? Feel free to add if you are trying to reach the same goals as me. :)


  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    Hi! I'm 25 and a big beer lover as well. Of course this hobby is what helped get me here. My fiance and I are constantly trying new beers, we have a 5 page list of all the different ones we're tried :) I'd love to be friends and help motivate each other. I do keep beer as a part of my calories, but I've limited it to 6 beers only on Saturdays. It's like a cheat day for me. I never used to like exercising either but now that I've stuck with it for some months, I am loving the benefits. Instead of it feeling like a chore, I look forward to it. My thighs and arms have slimmed down so much just from doing DVDs in my living room 4-5 times a week. My goal at the beginning was the be skinny-fat and just see the right number on the scale, now I want exercise to be a part of my life as any other hobby. Although I'm 5'4", my goal is 130.
  • Hi! Great to find someone on here that's into craft beer - awesome! I pretty much do the same thing - my cheat days are saturdays as well, in which i drink about 4-6 beers. For the next three weeks i'm going to have to switch my cheat day to wednesday since it's restaurant week. Yay for good beer!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I can totally relate to your situation! My boyfriend comes from a brewing family (his brother just started up Slumbrew in Somerville, MA) and we drink craft beer ALL THE TIME! We end up going out to dinner and having a few beers every Saturday night and I have to be really careful o nthe weekends not to undo any weightloss I have during the week. And of course, my favorite beers are the browns and porters... calorific and delicious! haha Not to mention my fridge and his fridge are both stocked with bottles of delicious beer. I'm big into Dogfish Head (which has alehouses in Northern VA that we frequent).

    I've managed to maintain my weight within a few pounds for the year that I've been dating my beer-loving boyfriend. I'm trying to get rid of the few pounds I put on in the last few months, and get a few extra off. I'd love to reach my goal of between 140-145. I'm 5'3" so it's a bit on the higher end of my height range.

    Anyway, feel free to friend me! I'm always up for new beer suggestions :)
  • Beer lover here too! That's part of the reason I'm here. I know I need to lose 40 lbs and drinking great beer is how I got here! And eating good food too, of course! I'm 5'8" weighing in at 192ish and wanting to be at a fit 160. I'll send over a friend request!
  • rf1170
    rf1170 Posts: 180 Member
    Mmm - I love a good beer, and my husband has been known to do a little brewing! I'm 26, 5'6", was 190 when I checked last Monday, and I'd like to be around 150-145. I love good food too, and I'm getting better at learning how to eat less of it at a time. :) I love to cook, and I post recipes when something works out well. I'll send you a friend request - hopefully we can help inspire each other to healthiness!
  • Nice to see brewster gals!

    I'm in love with Asian cuisine and Boulevard, the local beer of Kansas City. Like Dtrmnd86, my fiancee and I like to try new beers, as well. Kinda strapped on cash as we've just moved from Florida to KCMO, so getting our place more homey has been our main goal. We found a few tastings and great retailers in our area (woohoo!) We also signed up for a tour of the Boulevard factory for our Valentine's date. We'll be topping off the day with dinner at a dumpling bar that is absolutely divine :9

    I am currently at 164lbs and would like to get back into good health and physical condition. Dtrmnd has the right idea of a weekly cheat day. It seems like the best thing that we can do as depriving yourself makes you miserable and over-indulgence gets you nowhere near your goal.

    Best wishes! Look out for my requests =]
  • I understand the dilemma. I'm a chef who also used to work in the wine business. If it tastes good (solid or liquid), I love putting it in my mouth. But I don't like the way I look when I live like that. I now have a pretty strict eating style that works for me, I'm NEVER hungry, and I've been slowly and steadily losing weight, even while retaining a few "drinking days". What I find works for me, is if I plan to imbibe that day, then I reduce the other carbs I'm going to consume. For example, instead of a turkey sandwich, I will have a big green salad with turkey (or other lean protein), and then 1/2 a piece of fruit to satisfy my sweet tooth. For dinner, I will have fish or chicken or other lean protein with lots of veggies, and instead of a starch (quinoa, brown rice, whole grain bread, etc), I will have a glass of wine, or other beverage. I don't do this every day, and I know skipping the alcohol in favor of a complex carb like bulger wheat or barley would be healthier, but a few times a week, I just want a drink! Additionally, I exercise 6x per week. (Current stats: 5'4" 126 lbs).

    Good luck, everyone!
  • lovemydrmartens
    lovemydrmartens Posts: 144 Member
    Hi there, what is craft beer? is it like British real ale?
  • esjaygee
    esjaygee Posts: 148 Member
    I'm a big lover of craft beer myself and have planned short trips and vacation around going to brewpubs. I stumbled onto ratebeer about four years ago and it basically jump started my "hobby" as I've tried and rated over 2500 different beers. So it's easy to see how the weight has stayed on me with consuming a lot of beer - though many of those were two or four ounce samples. I am still going to drink craft beer but I obviously have to cut back a lot and work in a few here or there.

    There's a great beer festival every August in Madison and if I can stay the course through May (when the tickets go on sale), then I am going to attend that event.
  • Cat_296
    Cat_296 Posts: 40
    Quick translation - Microbreweries produce 'Craft Beer'. They tend to be darker ales than the standard US beers, but not usually as dark as traditional British Real Ales. They are generally pretty nice - I've sampled rather more than my fair share around VA!
  • I also love craft beer and my husband and I used to be homebrewers! I recently went through a big Rasputin phase, but I also love hoppy beers. I just started the Body Ecology Diet and there is absolutely no beer allowed!!! ARGGGHHHH! I hope to make it longer than my last attempt (one month) but it will be harder since my husband has totally given up on it. He can't do without his beer.
  • missoularocks
    missoularocks Posts: 294 Member
    <--- Also a craft beer lover! I'm 30 and live in Missoula, MT. We have 3 amazing local breweries: Big Sky, Kettlehouse, and Bayern so it's hard to avoid and ignore them, especially in the summer. Fellow beer drinkers unite :) and feel free to add me!