Paula Deen on the Today Show - what's your opinion?



  • jackiebo
    jackiebo Posts: 115 Member
    The pharmaceutical industry has corrupted just about every American institution.

    Everybody and their kids are on some kind of medication.

    It's insane!

    So true. And they are the reasons why millions of people don't have access to health insurance.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I think she is a fat-sugar-starch pusher, who should atone for her sins. She is harming people by giving everyone the idea that feast foods should be everyday foods. We have enough of that message from greedy corporations who don't care if they throw us under a bus, as long as they get our money.

    Seriously? Do you honstly look at Paula Deen and think her "feast foods" should be eaten at every meal?? Does she look the picture of health to you?

    Not at all, but obesity clouds your vision sometimes. And yes, I used to cook rich, fatty vegetarian foods everyday which accelerated my obesity. I absolutely did that.

    I hear what you are saying, but I fail to see how any of that is Paula Deen's (or any other TV cook/chef's) fault. Should all high calorie, high saturated fat, high sugar, high <insert unhealthy item here> recipes be banned? Where does it end? Are we going to throw granny in the slammer for passing on that pecan pie recipe? Give Aunt Betty hard time for bringing her famous cream puffs to the family reunion?

    If we had a culture which glorified crack cocaine at every turn, I think people would question it. I would really like to see some health-oriented cooking shows take off. I like watching Dr. Oz, for instance. Sometimes I get valuable information, and get the idea that health-seeking is the norm, not sugar-fat-starch food coma. And, as for family favorites not in the healthy category: sure, every once in a while.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member

    OMG does that look good!!!!

    Heck I still eat fried chicken 1-2 times a year and have maintained my weight for years and years...

    All about moderation, folks.
  • dolfn1972
    dolfn1972 Posts: 84 Member
    Paula Deen did not make anyone fat. Paula Deen is not the reason anyone has diabetes. She is happy with her cooking and eating what she wants. She should not be forced to go healthy because we all are tying to lose weight and be healthier. Dont blame anyone else for your choice of bad decisions of a unhealthy life style. That is the equivelant of saying .....Well everyone else did it I will to. People need to stop blaming others and take the blame for themselves.

    I did not see the show. But if she is toting a diet drug ..maybe just maybe it works for her and her lifestyle. Maybe she is helping someone. Just not you..and not those of us who chose to make this diet change.

    Let the woman eat all the bacon and butter her tummy desires..that just means less of it to tempt me
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Funny. Giata cooks for taste and not health. But because she's skinny, no one questions her. Like the size of the person cooking has anything to do with anything.

    Exactly. But the calories all go to her head.

    :laugh: Ok, that's just funny. She does have a big head. (She's adorable though)
  • I like her son's cooking show called "Not My Mama's Meals" where he takes her recipes and shows you how to make them in a healthier way

    I applaud him for it. It's quite likely that seeing the effects of his Mama's choices has had quite an impact on him...

    and I truly believe he's hoping to influence her by his example.

    " Sometimes your life serves simply as an example of what NOT to do....."

  • PattyfromToledo
    PattyfromToledo Posts: 74 Member
    Its a slow death for her...on top of her diabetes shes a closet smoker as well. not the brightest person out there...
  • Tuaussi
    Tuaussi Posts: 1 Member
    I like Paula's show. It has such a joy of life and cooking. The same channel also carries cooking shows focused on eating healthy, which I also watch. I apply the cooking techniques to my own selection of foods so that I can enjoy them while eating healthy.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Paula Deen made me fat.

    Oh, how was it prepared?
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    French toast!

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I like her son's cooking show called "Not My Mama's Meals" where he takes her recipes and shows you how to make them in a healthier way

    I thought it was quite a co-inkydink that the Food Network started airing this show right around the time Paula annouced that she has Diabetes.
  • My mom swears by Paula Deen, adding insane amounts of butter and salt to her foods. She says, "well Paula Deen does it and shes on tv." So maybe this will be a wakeup call.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    She is making herself a spokes person for Diabetes. She is the last person in the world to take advice from. Type two diabetes is a DIET an LIFESTYLE induced disease. Here's MY advice. Eat EVERYTHING that she does not and you'll be much healthier. I've watched her shows for years. Her idea of fresh vegetables is a sprig of mint in her whipped cream. Love her cooking, great if I want to die 10 years earlier and keep gaining weight like she does. Not saying it doesn't taste delicious. It is just that it WILL kill you. I am going heavily vegetarian with emphasis on VEGGIES both fresh and cooked! Check out my food diaries to see what I mean!
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Anybody else see Paula Deen on the Today Show this morning?

    I didn't have particular feelings towards her one way or another, but now I just straight up dislike her. She is basically advocating drugs (and getting compensated by a pharmaceutical company) over lifestyle changes to help type 2 diabetes. It's irresponsible. She has millions of followers who may follow her terrible advice. Plus? She waited three years to tell the public. I wouldn't care if she weren't famous, but she has a public responsibility with that damn cooking show of hers, and she's just exacerbating something that she could be helping.

    What are your thoughts?

    I like Paula Deen and this is a choice that many people are making. Why make a healthy change when you can just take a pill. I dont dislike her because of this its her choice. Any adult who chooses to do the same is making his or her own choice as well. On a side note I would rather have something with a cup of natural butter than a teaspoon of fake margarine.
  • ashquin
    ashquin Posts: 248 Member

    I'm sorry, but if unless she forced people to cook and consume everything on her show, she has no responsiblity to her audience. They are responsible for what they purchase, prepare and consume.
  • I have to admit every recipe I have ever made of hers is delicious, but I know is very fattening. I make sure others are going to help me eat any recipe of hers that I make. I also know eating her recipes on a regular basis would make me gain weight! She should admit, with her diabetes status, that her recipes aren't the healthiest...she almost seemed offended when one of her sons was on a show telling about the lighter versions (she showed up via satellite).
    Her recipes are for "once a year and make sure you are sharing"!!
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    FWIW, drugs are often necessary. Diet and exercise help considerably, but for some people drugs keep them alive.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I wish she could use her plight with diabetes to lead her massive audience in the direction of healthier food and lifestyle choices, By saying 'I'm not going to change the way I cook' and 'Diabetes is not a death sentence' and relying on drugs rather than exercise/diet/weight loss, she's doing a disservice to her fan base.

    I realize we all have free will. It's her life to live how she chooses. Also, her audience shares that same free will and personal responsibility for their own choices. I just wish she had chosen to set a better example.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    French toast!


    That's the ONE Paula Deen recipe I was Sooooo tempted to save in Evernote. French toast made with a hunk of real French bread, cream & sugar galore...