
Does anyone have an opinion on Trainers.... Are they worth the money or no?

I worked with one before who had me doing all cardio.... Joined a new gym and got an introductory training session.... New trainers are telling me cardio should be no more than a 1/2 hour and I should be doing 45 minutes of strength training...

I am nervous about strength training.... only because I have never done it....

Any thoughts? Anyone ever used a trainer?


  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    I've used a trainer before.

    What you have to remember is that they are working for your money, so they HAVE to do what you want to do, if they don't, they don't get paid anymore. I would tell my trainer "ok today i want to work on my low bar back squat" and he says "ok". If my trainer ever suggested anything that didn't go with my goals he'd be gone. like this:

    Trainer: "hey addison, lets have you start out with a 30 min run on the tredmill"
    Me: "No i don't want to do that with you, i can do that on my own if i want"
    Trainer: "Come one lets work on some cardio"
    Me: "I'm going to need a different trainer, this isn't working out"
  • meghan_cr
    I think it depends on whether you can afford one, whether you "click" with them and what they are having you do. I used to have a trainer and really liked working with him -- he definitely kept me accountable. However, the cost was just too much.

    So I switched to using the free gym in my building, running outside, cycling, and using a combination of the Nike Training Club fitness app (for circuit training) and (for fitness classes). I feel like this system fits my schedule and my pocketbook much better! Plus there are enough options where I'm never bored.

    Good luck!
  • anasf139
    anasf139 Posts: 101
    I think it really depends...I've been training with my trainer for a good couple of months now and seriously its the best money I've spent. I managed to find a trainer who I clicked with and who somehow knows what I am thinking. I had a trainer in the past who was obviously very good at his job but we didn't click and I didnt lose much weight with him. It's really about getting someone you can work with. Something my trainer says to me is that we are a team! We need to discuss things and come to decisions we are BOTH happy with. But he did add that sometimes he WILL make me do things I find hard, dont like or dont want to because he knows what will get me the results I want.

    Make sure sure tell your trainer EXACTLY what you need from them because at the end of the day, you are paying them! But money aside you want them to help you to get where you want to be.

    You mentioned a worry about strength training, maybe you could ask them to only work on that with you and that you'll do the cardio on your own?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I've gone through three trainers in the past year.. and one was awful and the other two were/are fantastic!

    Most important thing is to make sure that you find someone you click with and trust.. because if that basic foundation isn't there, then you are never going to get anywhere.

    Look to see what kind of certification they have and ask about their other clients and what they do with them. See if they have a cookie cutter approach or individualize it for each person. If it's cookie cutter then you def. want to move on because it's supposed to be personal training right?

    Finally, if you a nervous about strength training, then thats what you should be working on with the trainer. Have them write out a plan for you and show you exactly what each move should be... and if you ever don't feel right about something, then go ask. Last thing you want is to get injured.
  • nurse_christieyne
    Thanks everyone.... I am meeting with the one that gave me the free workout this week... He seems good, but now I can ask more questions... He is definately not into cardio... He all ready told me that I can do that by myself.