IBS / Acid Reflux sufferers?

I was wondering if anyone else out there suffers from IBS and acid reflux.:blushing: Im on medication for it but still struggle with certain foods.

I find it really hard to eat too much fibre due to this and therefore can't eat things like wholewheat breads and rices etc.
Does anyone have a substitute for wholegrains as Im trying to avoid white processed rice and pasta. Do you have any tips to help with the bloating etc?:smile:


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,087 Member
    As you lose weight your problems should resolve somewhat - my reflux went away completely. I know this is true for many people.

    Why don't you just cut back on the grains? And why do you think they are the problem?
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    As you lose weight your problems should resolve somewhat - my reflux went away completely. I know this is true for many people.

    Why don't you just cut back on the grains? And why do you think they are the problem?

    I had trials with food, cut things out etc to see what my triggers were and found it to be that type of food so I have very little or avoid altogether if possible

    I heard the symptoms should ease with weight loss so Im looking forward to that as a goal too :wink:
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    Like you, whole grains were very difficult for me to ‘digest’ :embarassed: and I wouldn’t leave home without a roll of Tums or Gaviscon in my bag because of acid reflux. . With my MD, at the beginning, I ate gluten-free such as millet, arrowroot, buckwheat and/or amaranth bread and cereal as well as pasta. I found them in the organic section of my grocery store. Instead of rice, I used quinoa. I could also consume sweet potatoes which was wonderful as I would roast them, mash or bake in the oven with rosemary and olive oil. It really helped me a lot. He then suggested that I stop eating meat all together. I did. And I have not looked back since. I still eat fish and seafood. This all started in April 2011. And I haven’t felt this good in years!! I’ve started re-introducing whole wheat bread here and there, as well as a cookie here and there and certainly tolerate it without any problems :embarassed:

    These are purely suggestions. But I do not suffer from IBS. So I cannot give you advice.

    I also believe as mentioned in the earlier post that with weight loss, the acid reflux will also diminish and perhaps even disappear.
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    thanks Lex, I will try quinoa, never thought of that.
    I have to say, since cutting red meat out I haven't felt as bloated etc. maybe something to consider....
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I was wondering if anyone else out there suffers from IBS and acid reflux.:blushing: Im on medication for it but still struggle with certain foods.

    I find it really hard to eat too much fibre due to this and therefore can't eat things like wholewheat breads and rices etc.
    Does anyone have a substitute for wholegrains as Im trying to avoid white processed rice and pasta. Do you have any tips to help with the bloating etc?:smile:

    Search Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar and Acid Reflux. It will cure it...............and no more medications needed.

    It is best to give up the grains, the acid reflux is a tell tale sign of food intolerance. Why would you want to find substitutes or other ways of eating something your body is telling you it does not like or want?
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Do you have IBS-C or IBS-D?

    I have the C kind because my body does not produce the necessary acid (who would have thunk it huh?) to break down my food. I suffered for 10 years, taking expensive meds to treat the symptoms. I finally talked to a homeopathic nutritionist that suggested I take betaine HCL and some enzymes. Boy did it change my life! I am very frustrated that after all these years, my doctors did not offer me the suggestion of running down to GNC and getting a natural supplement that would actually fix what was wrong with me instead of treat my symptoms.

    You can try googling low hcl to see if you have any of the symptoms. I had 10 out of 13.

    Good luck. I know how frustrating it is.
  • mimi31
    mimi31 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey, have you tried the FODMAP's diet yet? If not look it up on the internet or contact your dietician. Its from Australia and worth a go. Good luck
  • yalisa0424
    yalisa0424 Posts: 173 Member
    One of my firends is a health and fitness guru and suffers from IBS. She has the same issues but has learned how to manage it with her diet. See her blog

    I also suffer from horrible heartburn but have noticed that I can manage it through diet. Heartburn triggers are:
    fried foods
    greasy foods
    spicy foods
    bread and pasta
    pizza sauce
  • suprfast
    This might come to a complete shock but cut out WHEAT(gluten) products completely for a few weeks and see if the IBS disappears. My wife has struggled with IBS/Acid reflux for years and after trying everything with every doctor one finally suggested that she cut out wheat(possible gluten intolerance). She cut it out and within weeks was feeling better. Six months later she has zero issues except when a product is supposed to be gluten free and isnt.

    Also check out a book called wheat belly.

  • suprfast
    One of my firends is a health and fitness guru and suffers from IBS. She has the same issues but has learned how to manage it with her diet. See her blog

    I also suffer from horrible heartburn but have noticed that I can manage it through diet. Heartburn triggers are:
    fried foods
    greasy foods
    spicy foods
    bread and pasta
    pizza sauce

    Cant speak on cigs as I dont smoke but all of those most likely have some sort of wheat in them or are highly acidic(coffee). Give the gluten free thing a try for a few weeks. Stay honest and im sure you will notice a difference. Studies are showing the gluten intolerance is larger than most expect(id find a source but im at work) but with our government always parading a high WHEAT diet we would think wheat is always the correct answer.

    To sum up more from my previous post, the doctor also told my wife to cut out dairy. She has reintroduced dairy and still no issues.
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    My acid reflux (it was almost daily with dinner) went away after I dropped 20 lbs. I was 226--now 179.
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    thanks guys, all fab info! :bigsmile:
  • suprfast
    thanks guys, all fab info! :bigsmile:

    Keep us updated. IBS sucks.
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    i used suffer from acid reflux on a daily basis, it was terrible!

    then i got in shape and never had it again. last time i had it was about 2 years ago, i hope it goes away for you too!
  • kathleen2001
    I was having to take 6-8 tums a day and two days into eating less I have not had to take any. It has been three weeks now.