What Keeps You Motivated??

I seem to get discouraged when I don't see results. I know I need to eat healthy, workout, etc but I just cannot find the motivation. Its so easy to say "I'll start tomorrow" or "Next Monday i will start over" I'm motivated now b/c of a health scare but I want to stay motivated...


  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    Its easy to get discourage but when you think about where you are now verses yesterday then you cant help but to press on! If it is the scale that discourages you then try measuring yourself for a while..Inches encourage me more than the scale... Now if its choices that discourage you in your eating...find other alternative to what you are eating...View some diaries..get ideas off sites like skinnytaste.com and make it interesting....Most times we are our worse critics...So you are doing amazing just by trying to make a better you!! Learn to give yourself credit and be your own motivation...

    BTW....I LOVEEEEEEEEEE MY PALS...They keep me MOTIVATED DAILY..hrly, and by the minute...LOL
  • Flyer615
    Flyer615 Posts: 173 Member
    Like you, I had a health scare. The doctor said the "D" word to me (diabetes). I lost all desire for sugar with that one word. Fear, however, will only go so far. Exposed to the same fear will, over time, that fear willbecome stale. This is true of almost every fear. Excitement, on the other hand, will sustain you indefinitely. On Monday, before Thanksgiving (Nov. 24, 2011 for those not from the U.S.), my doc told me that he wanted to put me on two pills for diabetes. I'm not very good about taking meds, so I told him that I would get in control of my eating habits without it (fasting blood sugar - 262). I stopped eating any added sugar, soft drinks, sweetened drinks, along with white carbs (rice, potatoes, white bread). Since then, I've lost 41 pounds. I find excitement in every victory - whether it be on the scales or in a belt hole.
    You can find lots to get excited about with your weight loss. Try not to dwell on the negative. Look at the positive things and do the happy dance in your mind (or in public if it suits you :bigsmile: ) every time something great happens. Just the fact that I can see my belt again thrills me to no end.
    I'm about 1/3 of the way there on my journey to a healthier me. I feel better. I have less aches and pains. What's not to celebrate?
    You CAN do it. Just enjoy every success and every right choice that you make, no matter how small.

  • MoJoMom04
    @sexycook..thank you soooo much..like the old people say "you stepped on my toes" lol...my boyfriend is very supportive and has even adapted to my healthy eating styles. My job has a 24hr gym that is about 100 steps from my desk..i have no reason not to go especially when they print out workout routines for you!! So I am going 3 days this week..i think i just beat myself up and I really dont realize my size until I weigh myself of see a pic of myself..thank you for the motivation and I would love to be your pal lol..I need more pals..

    @flyer..thank you so much!! I am celebrating my pals and this site!!! Im excited!! And Im celebrating your 41 lbs WOW!!!!

    Thanks guys so very much!!
  • elledo
    elledo Posts: 80
    I made a comparison picture form when i started up until now. I look at it regularly. I also kept 1 pair of pants from when i was my biggest and if i get really frustrated, i put them on and realise how far i've come. I also have dress hanging in my bedroom, that doesn't fit yet, but will as I keep working. Also, a friend of mine made an inspiration board and put it in her kitchen-it has heaps of pics of fit, healthy women and motivational quote. She finds that keeps her going. Oh and all the people on here are super supportive, so add as many as you can!
  • Mkristinek
    I make rewards for myself when I get stuck. Seems to help. I slumped at 153, so I promised myself a tanning membership when I hit 148 ( 10 pound loss). I'm stuck now again at 143 so I've promised myself a new Victoria Secret bathing suit when I hit 135. Things I REALLY want to just buy right now, but I don't deserve them til I earn them! Sounds silly, but it makes me hit the treadmill again when I plateau, get discouraged and slack off too long.
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