


  • When I'm out and about I don't feel hungry so I forget to eat a lot of the time. It's only when I'm working from home (like now) that I start to over eat, mostly due to boredom and being hyper aware that I'm sitting five feet away from the fridge.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm a little baffled as well-- honestly the only times I don't want to eat for an entire day are when my lupus is flaring (makes me nauseous), or maybe if I'm extremely busy. So many posts about people not being hungry enough to eat 1200 calories; makes me wonder if there's something wrong with those of us who ARE hungry :P
  • I'm a little baffled as well-- honestly the only times I don't want to eat for an entire day are when my lupus is flaring (makes me nauseous), or maybe if I'm extremely busy. So many posts about people not being hungry enough to eat 1200 calories; makes me wonder if there's something wrong with those of us who ARE hungry :P

    That's the strangest part, there's no reason for my lack of appetite. It just happens out of the blue, I think it has to do with my body burning up some of my fat cells for fuel but I can't say that for certain.
  • scarlettd12
    scarlettd12 Posts: 111 Member
    I wish I didn't feel hungry. I could eat all day.

    I was just talking to my grandma about this. She has a habit of not eating much at all. I was commenting on what I had ate today and she said "I had a banana". This was at 6pm, right before dinner. Yes, she always eats dinner, but she's not much of an eater before that. I told her it wasn't healthy and her response was, "how am I suppose to eat when I'm not hungry?". I didn't know what to tell her....
  • shopewell70
    shopewell70 Posts: 125 Member
    @Scarlett.....Im dealing with the issue of wanting food all the time too....UGH its hard...but I think I actually put myself in starvation mode and now im in plateau.
  • [/quote]

    I have a question though, how low would you say too low is?

    i don't know, it depends when I eat like this but the norm for these days for me 600-400, it's never long term though, the longest it's happened is 2 days.
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    To be honest ... I looked through your diary, there is a LOT of junk in there. Just saying.

    Don't stop it, just swap it. When you want what's best for your body (ie still running well in your 30's, 40's, etc.) check out some nutrition information or see a dietitian.

    Counting calories is EXCELLENT for weight loss, but when you want to shake those last few lb's you will be glad you went deeper than that.

  • To be honest ... I looked through your diary, there is a LOT of junk in there. Just saying.

    Don't stop it, just swap it. When you want what's best for your body (ie still running well in your 30's, 40's, etc.) check out some nutrition information or see a dietitian.

    Counting calories is EXCELLENT for weight loss, but when you want to shake those last few lb's you will be glad you went deeper than that.


    Thanks Gazz,

    I've already started doing that on my own, if you notice I'm easting a lot healthier now than I was a month ago. But today, it's just been lack of an overall appetite.