Diet Soda



  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    My Opinion Only.

    I'm one of those lifetime POP drinkers. Pepsi, Coke, Mountain Dew, Diet Coke, Sprite, Ginger-ale.
    I've been doing excellent for the last month drinking my water, and got off the 2-3 pop a day.

    I thought "I need the caffiene". IMHO, "you need the caffiene is a BS excuse".
    We can all live without pop, and our bodies will get used to not having that extra jolt of caffiene
    (Jolt, wasn't that a great pop, talk about being wired)

    I had my first diet ginger ale in a month. The gas(CO2) that I had from that pop reminded me of other reasons. Bloating, gas, burping, you get the picture.

    Aspartame. There is lots of information on the internet about this. Every now and then might be ok, but in exceeding amounts, yes it DOES AFFECT THE BRAIN.

    I have a sister in-law -in-law. Brothers wife, her brother's wife. (did that make sense)?

    She was addicted to Diet coke, and used to drink a 2 Litre of Diet coke daily.
    For the record, she is skinny and not obese.

    She has gone wacko, her thinking, her reactions. She'll get mad if her hubby takes away the diet coke. Addicted!!!!! . Her doctor told her to quit drinking it, and she won't stop.

    Just found this interesting website.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I'm not a soda drinker...and I guess now I have a reason to never become one.
    My daughter got a g-tube last year, and I was told in Children't Hospital that if it gets clogged, or if the inside of the tube gets in any way dirty from food, just put soda into it, let it sit for a few minutes, and that will "burn off" the gunk. Well......if that's what soda does to the side of the g-tube, I hate to know what does it do to the side of my tummy, or what's in there for nutrition.......................................:noway:

    Reminds me of the tips I've heard that you can use coke to remove various materials.
  • angelajiniel
    angelajiniel Posts: 115
    Diet soda actually makes you crave sweets and can make you process sugars differently, usually leading to weight gain. That my said, I'm addicted to Diet Dr Pepper and usually have about 2 cans a day. I'm trying very hard to stop, but I know it's true. I crave sweets and chocolate constantly.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I am an RN and take this as an opinion only but we even carry diet soda in our department for patients. If it was that harmful would all of our physicians allow our patients to have them. Plus if you completely deprive yourself of something like one diet coke a day the diet process will be way harder on you. Diet coke is empty calories it does nothing for you or against you. YOU GO FOR THAT DIET COKE!!!

    I am all for the help that your profession provides, but I dis-agree with your comment, hospitals also carry morphine for patients.
    Doctors allow patients to have morphine too, and then will give them more morphine for certain conditions that the public is not aware of, that's NOT HEALTHY.
  • ShanIsRad
    ShanIsRad Posts: 31
    I am all for the help that your profession provides, but I dis-agree with your comment, hospitals also carry morphine for patients.
    Doctors allow patients to have morphine too, and then will give them more morphine for certain conditions that the public is not aware of, that's NOT HEALTHY.

    I don't understand your last comment... one of my best friends was in the hospital, and the only painkiller that would work for her is Morphine (they tried everything else). Yes, it can be bad, people can become addicted to it- but people can become addicted to almost anything.

    Anyway, I have also heard that diet soda makes you crave sweets, and I believe its true. I used to drink Diet Coke/Coke Zero CONSTANTLY. I would drink at least a 20oz bottle a day, and if I was at school, I'd sometimes drink 2 during one class! And I'd have to get some kind of candy to go with it, and if I didn't have candy, I would really want something sweet. I totally cut it out- I have it 1x a week, at most (and that's if we're ordering lunch at work, and the cup of soda is cheaper than the bottle of water)! Instead, I drink Arizona diet iced green tea- Blueberry or White Cranberry/Apple, and its so good, and only 25 cals/bottle!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I have read that drinking regular or diet causes belly fat. I used to drink more than 4 diet cokes a day. When I cut them completely out thats where I lost weight at first was my belly. That's where the majority of my weight loss has been. Total I have lost 43 lbs.
  • jeannalwright
    That is basically what I am saying...everything in moderation. Thank you for standing up for the health care professionals. We work hard!!!
  • rabbit45
    rabbit45 Posts: 36
    I agree as well with "everything in moderation". That is true for so many things. I just did a bit of research about aspartame on my lunch hour and found this on

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the following low-calorie sweeteners for use in a variety of foods. The FDA has established an "acceptable daily intake" (ADI) for each sweetener. This is the maximum amount considered safe to eat each day during your lifetime. ADIs are intended to be about 100 times less than the smallest amount that might cause health concerns.

    Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal) - 50 milligrams (mg) per kilogram (kg) = 18 to 19 cans of diet cola
    Saccharin (Sweet'N Low, SugarTwin) - 5 mg per kg = 9 to 12 packets of sweetener
    Acesulfame K (Sunett, Sweet One) - 15 mg per kg = 30 to 32 cans of diet lemon-lime soda
    Sucralose (Splenda) - 5 mg per kg = 6 cans of diet cola


    Since I'm drinking nowhere near 18-19 cans of diet soda a day, I'm not going to worry too much about the aspartame. I do agree I need to work on getting more water in my diet. I've never been good at that. As for all of the other information floating around the internet... you definately have to consider your sources. You can find anything on the internet to support a "fact", no matter how absurd it is.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Diet or regular is a choice, just like thousands of other choices we make each day. Neither one is good for you and not even for the contents but the carbonation. Carbonated beverages have been linked to decrease our bone density and ladies, we need to keep all the bone we can!

    Moderation is key to everything! :flowerforyou: