How I lost 68 lbs and counting

If you haven't seen my transformation so far, you can check it out here:

I have a lot of questions messaged to me, so I decided I'd share what worked for me. Keep in mind that weight-loss isn't a one-size-fits-all sort of thing, and you have to find what will work for YOU. That being said, what I did actually might work for you. So here goes.

1. I ate at a calorie deficit. Seems simple enough right? Well it worked and continues to work for me. When I was heavier I had my calorie goal set to 1200 a day (2 lb loss a week) and I stuck to that. Now that I'm smaller, I have my goal at 1400 (.5 lb loss per week).

2. I got moving. At first all I could manage was 2.5mph on the treadmill for 30-60 minutes 7 days a week. I remember at 3mph I was RUNNING. I was so out of shape! I progressively ran faster, and I added circuit training videos to my workout routine. I love circuit training and I prefer to run outdoors now.

3. I pre-log my meals the night before. This helps me to stay on track and avoid snacking on unhealthy foods. I highly recommend this!

4. I choose foods according to the vitamins and nutrients it contributes to my body. If I finish logging my foods (the night before) and see that I'm low on calcium but super high in vitamin C, I might switch my snack from an orange to some greek yogurt. I try to get enough of each vitamin/nutrient, and I usually shoot for higher Protein that what is set for me by MFP.

5. Will power and self-control. I think about what I want for my body, and whether that slice of pizza or that ice cream is going to get my body to where I want it to be. If the answer is no, I skip it. This is hard to master, but TRUST ME, you will be able to do it.

6. I treat myself. One day a month is my "binge" day. I don't know if everyone can handle this without falling back into old habits, but I can. Also, every week (usually Friday), I'll have one unhealthy meal (high in carbs or sodium or fat) as long as it falls within my calorie goal.

Aaaand, that's pretty much it :)

P.S. I'm no longer accepting friend invites! Sorry!
