Healthy snacks for school

I recently started the winter term in my Master's program and on Tuesdays, I have 9 hours of class in a row. That's three 3-hour classes with no breaks in between unless the prof decides to let us leave early. Occasionally there MIGHT be five minutes' wiggle room for me to run to the little food kiosk. It has some healthy food (fresh cut fruit and salads, etc) but it's really expensive - last time I paid almost $10 for a small tea and half a sandwich :angry: So I'd rather not go there...but my only other option for on-campus dining is the vending machine, which isn't really an option.

I just don't know what to pack myself as snacks apart from fresh fruit and little yogurts. I thought of sandwiches but I'm trying to cut down on non-veg/fruit carbs. There's a microwave in the student lounge, so I could do cans of soup or ramen if I can find a brand that's not packed with sodium, and IF I have five minutes to get to the lounge at all, but it's not the most nutritious option. So what's left? Bring some cans of tuna and a can opener?

I'd appreciate any ideas. :flowerforyou:


  • MuseumOfAsh
    You can take protein bars, make your own healthy trail mix and put it into little baggies, hummus and pita chips, dried fruit, make some popcorn and stick it into a ziploc bag, string cheese. That's all I can think of right now!
  • Hola723
    Hola723 Posts: 159 Member
    Museum's ideas are great! I would add peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, hard-boiled eggs, cheese and sliced apples, raw veggies and low-fat ranch dip, and home-made wraps like chicken with buffalo sauce or turkey with cranberry. Good luck with your classes!
  • paleojamie
    I love to take almonds with me to uni :)
  • caroline_g
    caroline_g Posts: 201 Member
    Graze boxes are fantastic for that I think : gives you your first box free to try it and see if you want to carry on with it.