I been eating clean (very few processed carbs and no junk food) since 2nd Jan 2012. I haven’t weighed myself yet. To be honest I’m scared to weigh myself cause WHAT IF I HAVEN’T LOST ANY WEIGHT? I’ve been good (never keep a diet for this long) and I don’t want to be disappointed and give up if i don't see any result. I don’t know what to do! I really want to weigh myself but at the same time I’m worried if I do and if I haven’t lost weight I be disappointed and might give up :) or should I wait another week …. Help me!


  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    You have built this up in your mind to be a really huge deal. You have changed the way that you eat. Which is a good thing. Even if your haven't dropped a pound(which I doubt), you are still better off than you were before the diet. Make up your mind, that it is just a number, and that no matter what you are going to continue to eat better than what you have in the past then take a leap of faith and see what your number is. The not knowning is giving you more stress, than the reality most likely would.
  • Thanks, you're right... i should think about numbers its how i feel and i feel great. why should i care about the number! ok i will weigh myself on friday :) sometimes you just need someone else across the world to tell you what you need to do... thanks
  • I can completely understand this. I have been working out and eating right since Jan 2nd. I did have 2 days of not so amazing calorie intake and I have been weighing in and have NOT LOST A POUND! I am pretty discouraged but trying to stay upbeat, once you get discouraged most people quit and I do NOT want to quit. (It is especially discouraging after watching the biggest loser where people are loosing so much!!) Keep working hard and keep at it. I keep telling myself - Sexy Sammy by Summer! :)
  • kluvsj
    kluvsj Posts: 9
    i have to weight myself every single day because thats what keeps me motivated, the 1st day i lost 1 lb and the 2nd day i lost 1 lb....if i lose 1 lb tomorrow i know im doing it right and to keep going! weigh yourself daily is my suggestion, if your NOT losing weight you need to cut back the number of calories your eating a day :) good luck!
  • kluvsj
    kluvsj Posts: 9
    oh and if you not losing weight you need to exercise more....burn the fat away build muslce to keep the fat off, the more you exercise the more you can eat, just eat healthy :)
  • Thanks everyone.... i do need to exercise more i'm a bit lazy when it comes to that :D

    Sammy DO NOT give up... i keep telling myself that i don't want to be one of those people who struggle with their weight all their life and all they do is bla bla bla bla just talk about it............ this is what i tell myself " are you seriously going to listen to that voice in your head!!! and let it ruin your life, take charge of that voice and say No!"