Looking for motivation!!

I'm finally on track and everything is working well with mfp. I feel like evenn though I'm making progress that temptation is staring at me everywhere I go! From the invite from friends to hit up a Mexican place for dinner to the Dairy Queen right down the street. When I'm off work on the weekends its the hardest because I'm always on the go and hanging out with friends. What is a good way to resist temptation but still have fun and relax with friends?


  • Maybe bring your own food , ask for grilled when you're out and about .
  • Daz999
    Daz999 Posts: 19 Member
    We can all use more motivation. I am surprised how much difference its making having MFP friends say "wtg" and "Good job" now and then. Gather some friends for support, either in the flesh or online. We can do this!
  • sennja
    sennja Posts: 2 Member
    If you fill up before you go out (on healthy foods at home) you won't be so tempted to order something bad off the menu. Get a appetizer or a soup or even a hot beverage can help fill you up.
    Remember than even though some of your friends look at eating out as fun, you want to enjoy their company and not focus on the food.
  • kluvsj
    kluvsj Posts: 9
    i have a few tips, when you go out to eat, eat what you normally would just dont eat carbs like breads and pasta, so order a grilled chicken burger and throw away the bun.....if you go to a mexican food restaurant get a salad, or just eat stuff that isnt a burrito or taco....i used to eat mcd's cheesburgers without the bun and i lost weight, for example and if i went to the olive garden i would order the low carb pasta and not eat any bread just salad....not eating any bread or pasta worked for me and i still ate whatever i wanted to, didnt work out and lost 25 lbs in 6 months
  • I feel the same way I just went to play in the snow with my friend and her children and I had the hardest time, I just focused on cardio and being better for the rest of the week. You should allow your self one day a week not to be perfect ,just be honest when your entering your food! That's what I do:.)
