Diverticulosis - does anybody else suffer from this

Hi all

I have received been diagnosed with diverticulosis and I'm wondering if there's anybody else out there who might have it? Apparently it's a genetic thing, but I haven't known about it until recently (and I'm 30).

I know that I have to avoid stuff like nuts, seeds and that (like strawberries and raspberries, my favourites :( )

I ended up in hospital with it so don't want to be going back, just really wondering how other people cope with it? :)


  • it is genetic. both my grandmother and father have been diagnosed and i am at risk later in life. My dad was recently hospitalized for it, had to have a colostomy, so it can get pretty serious. He was told the same thing, stay away from seeds and nuts, as this will aggravate it.
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    I have it as well. I think it has been around 6 years or so. (I was 32) I know they tell you to stay away from nuts, seeds popcorn etc. But it really depends I think. I had not eaten nuts or popcorn in 6 years and saw an episode of Dr. Oz that said its a myth. So I went right out and bought some popcorn. I have eaten it everyday since(gotta make up for those 6 years) I also have eaten nuts. And no problems here. Now I'm not saying you should just go out and eat these things, but it is ok. When I found out I had diverticulitis I spent 4 days in the hosipital. I was very sick and have had outbreaks from time to time. But nothing like the first time. I deal with it everyday.....I still don't eat seeds and anything with skin kills me! Tomatoes are the worst. You just need to watch what you eat and you will be fine. Make sure your getting enough fiber because this will help you not strain when you use the restroom. If you have any questions about it feel free to ask me. I think I know just about everything there is to know about it. Feel better!! :flowerforyou:
  • kewwy1
    kewwy1 Posts: 41 Member
    Yeah my favourite foods are like tomatoes, strawberries and raspberries. I've just learnt to cut out the seeds of the tomatoes, but it's a bit hard with the strawberries and raspberries...

    From what I got told, it's just stuff that your body can't break down by itself.... I haven't really avoided much as yet, mainly just the seeds and small stuff like that.

    My time in hospital was pretty scary, I had an abscess caused by it and I didn't know! I was in so much pain and stuff, so I definitely will not want to go back there.

    I mean I've gotten up to this point without having major complications so I just need to be a tiny bit more careful!
  • I agree with acmcoc. I have also been to the hospital with this about 4 years ago and pretty much avoided all those things we love until I saw that Dr. Oz episode. Since then I've been eating more things like berries and popcorn. So far, everything has been alright. I do eat a high fiber diet and make sure you drink lots and lots of water. Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • kewwy1
    kewwy1 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks !

    Yeah I'm definitely more conscious of eating more fibre these days! It's one thing I took away from it!

    I think in moderation and a high fibre diet, I could probably still enjoy my berry smoothies without too much trouble!
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    Diverticulosis is a condition where your intestinal tract has little out-pouchings (one is called a called diverticulum) and these little pouches can become inflamed. Some do say nuts and seeds can cause inflammation of the diverticula, although research does not back this theory up. But my MIL has diverticulosis and every time she has had an episode of diverticulitis, it is after she has eaten nuts or popcorn. It is definitely an individual thing, as many eat seeds, nuts, popcorn, seedy fruits/veggies with no problem. Good for you changing your eating habits and increasing your fiber. Low fiber diets definitely contribute to the condition.