Beginners Jogging/Running Challenge

bikergirl10 Posts: 35
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I am looking for other people that are interested in starting to jog/run. Maybe then this way it will not only give me but others as well the boost they need. If you are interested let me know, we can start a challenge. I really hope to be jogging at least 2 miles without having to stop by July 4th.



  • rsalgado
    rsalgado Posts: 163 Member
    Me too! Let's do it!
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    hi girls,
    we are the woggers. Walk/runners. we just started a thread last week if your interested. We are beginners as well as advanced and we have lots of good advice and are trying to up our time and distance. I just jogged my first 2miles this last week, actually I've done it twice now,. I'm pretty proud. You can read how I did it and how others are doing it too.
    :wink: I'll post so you can find us , if you'd like to join in we'd love to have you.
  • skinnysonam
    skinnysonam Posts: 18
    Hey i jus wrote a new post about my jogging success!

    erm its called "jogging worked wonders" check it out... (by maybe goin my profile?) lol

    :heart: xx good luck to all of u wonderful peeps! xx:heart:
  • I would also like to join!!!
  • rinalynn
    rinalynn Posts: 87
    I would love to do it as well. Just started jogging my goal is to run a half marathon Jan 2010.
  • bikergirl10
    bikergirl10 Posts: 35
    One of the other girls and I on there thought that a good start would be jog/run 1/2 mile without stopping 3 times a week for the first couple weeks then move up a 1/4 mile each week. We will check in with each other daily and lets also include a piece of advice in there as well. It can be a good reciepe, motivation, fitness, food or whatever you heart desires.

    Happy Exercising!!
  • scottc
    scottc Posts: 72
    I would love to be a part of this. How does it work? Is there a certain place we log in to stay in contact with each other? I currently run 3 miles on the elliptical at least 3 times a week, but I know it's not the same as running. I would like to get in a good position to be able to run a 5k without stopping. I walked about half of the first 5k I ever did in November. It would be nice to run the whole thing next year! Thanks for doing this!
  • mamapea
    mamapea Posts: 8 Member
    How do you join? I would like too also!!
  • KT15
    KT15 Posts: 5
    If you have a YMCA by you, look into their 0-5k class, it was great! I moved from running 2miles (in 24min) to running a 10k (6.2mi in 58in minutes) over the 6week course. Sign up for a 5k or 10k run, the money goes to a good cause and you make that commitment to yourself. Lots of free training plans on the web just google away!

    Good Luck! I'd love to hear how things go!

    Any other novice runners out there....check out my blog, I'd love to hear from you too! Looking for all your hints for success!
  • rinalynn
    rinalynn Posts: 87
    I would love to be a part of this. How does it work? Is there a certain place we log in to stay in contact with each other? I currently run 3 miles on the elliptical at least 3 times a week, but I know it's not the same as running. I would like to get in a good position to be able to run a 5k without stopping. I walked about half of the first 5k I ever did in November. It would be nice to run the whole thing next year! Thanks for doing this!

    I just joined the beginers class you print out your schedule it works great! I just started trail running it is a lot different then the elliptical machine I was doing 6 miles on the elliptical and could bearly do 2 miles on the trail. (I also do P90X videos. ) A friend of mine told me it is because the trail goes up hill and down hill twists and turns on a grass etc natural trail. I was upset at first thinking how come I had such a hard time with it after she explained it to me I felt better. I am heading out now to run it again hopefully I will have a better time then the last time.

    Looking forward to running with you all!!
  • bikergirl10
    bikergirl10 Posts: 35
    We will check in on here. I will try my hardest in the morning to start a new post every day. We will start tomorrow (Sunday May 31) and check in at least every Sunday, but I will be posting something once a day then we all can give advise if we chose too.

    If anyone has any great sites or ways to start a jogging/running work-out please post!!!

  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    Will definitely want to check into this every now and then! Have just signed up for my first 5k run and have started woggin' (I love that word!! LOL) for about a week and a half now??? I was looking into the couch to 5k plan to get people out there running....

    The only problem is that my calves/shins? start hurting REALLY bad even while I'm just briskly walking. It gets so that the muscles feel so hard and I have to really limp along after a while...any suggestions about that/?? Is it my shoes?
  • make sure you do some nice warm ups before going to brisk. Also some stretching helps but not when the muscle is cold, warming up then stretching helps, if you can do that but warm up then go brisk is the best part. If you ahve new shoes, that could be the problem. They just need some time to get worked in.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am in! I am in the middle of the Couch to 5k Program - just finished week 5 - it was a jogging 2 miles straight or 20 minutes today....I did the 20 minutes and then continued til I finished the two miles - it took me 29 minutes - but I did it! Slow and stead but I'll get faster.

    I think that jogging really helps kick the metabolism in gear.....
  • dehsignz
    dehsignz Posts: 1
    Contrats on the 2 miles, that is great!
  • mamapea
    mamapea Posts: 8 Member
    I did 2 miles today, had to stop for 1 min after mile 1 because my heart rate gets too high but still finished in 21 minutes!
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