Insanity Workouts

Hi Everyone,

I am 28 and would like to lose 35 pound, I started MFP on the 3rd of Jan and have lost 5 pound so far :)

I have heard that the insanity workout is really good for shedding the weight! I am just wondering if anyone has tried this?

Any feedback would be great!


  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I am on day 14 of Insanity today (a much needed rest....yahoooo!) - Obviously as it's still early days, I can't comment too much on results, but it really is an amazing butt-kicking workout!! :laugh:

    Personally, I preferred P90X for all round toning/tightening/feel-good workout - but Insanity is certainly a challenge and I can see that if weight loss is your main goal then I am sure it will do the job.

    I had been stalled on the weight loss a bit recently - and in my weigh in on Saturday (after only just over a week on Insanity) I lost 0.6kg - which is quite a big deal for me given I am fairly close to my goal it does work.

    The nutrition plan is great too... you're never hungry!! :happy: It can be a bit of a hassle with work fitting 5 meals into your day, but the food suggestions and things you "can eat" are great.

    Good luck if you decide to give it a go!
  • DirtbikeGal
    DirtbikeGal Posts: 61 Member
    Ive done Insanity 2x and am currently doing my own hybrid of Insanity with P90x. Yes, it does work. You have to make sure you are eating enough to fuel your body. If you dont eat enough your body can switch from burning fat to eating muscle. Muscle is the very thing that fuels your metabolism so you never want to lose it. I found that I didnt eat enough last round and stalled out with my weight loss and loss muscle. I did lose 15" and 18lbs in my last round. That is why Im doing a hybrid and eating 2100-2250 calories per day...all clean.

    Month 2 is brutal, but its mind over matter! Anyone who completes Insanity earns my respect!