Headaches HELP!

cm4508 Posts: 19 Member
Hi guys! My name is Chris and I just started myfitness pal on Sunday and a group exercise activity at work on Friday. I know my calorie intake has been cut in half and my head has been pounding. Not sure if its my normal allergies/headache or if it is the withdraw from the sugar or caffeine. These headaches are driving me nuts and taking my energy! I eat clementines at least 4 a day and yesterday I even ate chocloate cheerios thinking it was my sugar. Any suggestions?


  • nickm21
    nickm21 Posts: 248 Member
    Are you drinking enogh water? I found I had niggling headaches for the first few days and put it down to the reduced sugar and caffine as well as dehydration. I now allow myself 1-2 cups of coffee a day and if I feel the start of a headache I increase my water intake. You could try bananas instead of clementines as I've heard the potassium can help :smile:
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    i think before you start exercising you need to be checked by a dr. do you know what your normal blood preasure is?? i also think it is a good idea to detox and coming down from sugar and caffine will give you headaches. you should only do light exercise on the detox days and drinks double the recomended dose of water - 16 cups at least! welcome to MFP and good luck with your journey :)
  • cm4508
    cm4508 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks I am going to get a banana this morning. I pop Advil like candy and I am trying to do away with that in my new lifestyle. I have been drinking plenty of water since I am a big girl so I do not think its the water. Thanks again!
  • cm4508
    cm4508 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks. I usually have low blood pressure for even as big as I am and we had a dr's release for the program. I will make sure they check my blood pressure again on Friday. Thanks! Water oh my gosh so much I feel like the bathroom is my second best friend. :)
  • alisma73
    alisma73 Posts: 21 Member

    I was the same and needed to up my water levels, did start drinking herbal tea instead of coffee so at least I had something hot!! Also, make sure you eat something at least every 2-3 hours. Hope you feel better soon x
  • Going outside and getting fresh air can help too. I'm very prone to headaches. Walking in the fresh air, even when it is super cold, can help me. It clears my sinuses and it relieves the headaches. Good luck! Don't quit!
  • nickm21
    nickm21 Posts: 248 Member
    Thanks. I usually have low blood pressure for even as big as I am and we had a dr's release for the program. I will make sure they check my blood pressure again on Friday. Thanks! Water oh my gosh so much I feel like the bathroom is my second best friend. :)
    That will slow down as your body adjusts to being hydrated :flowerforyou:
    Add me if you like, I'm happy to offer my support
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    If I am hungry I often get a headache, say if I am distracted whilst concentrating on something and forget to eat. I don't know anything about anything but, maybe, if you have halved your food that is too much for you all at once? When I cut down I found the first month quite difficult with hunger and headaches. I either ate or took paracetamol. It calmed down after the first month or so.
  • mommypennylane
    mommypennylane Posts: 67 Member
    My guess is dehydration. Every time I have started exercising after having taken time off from it I get major headaches. If I drink and drink and drink they go away without taking any meds so I know its dehydration. It happens every time. I am still not a big drinker but I do force myself to drink more now that I am exercising daily. I hope thats all it is for you cause its an easy fix.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Hi guys! My name is Chris and I just started myfitness pal on Sunday and a group exercise activity at work on Friday. I know my calorie intake has been cut in half and my head has been pounding. Not sure if its my normal allergies/headache or if it is the withdraw from the sugar or caffeine. These headaches are driving me nuts and taking my energy! I eat clementines at least 4 a day and yesterday I even ate chocloate cheerios thinking it was my sugar. Any suggestions?
    I can't see your diary, so I can only speculate. But eating less is only half the equation. Make sure you're eating the right things. You need to be sure you're getting enough protein, fat and fiber. Clementines and Cheerios are very good for you, but if you're not balancing them out with a good protein, you're not going to feel well.

    I'm not one of the people who thinks everyone needs 150 to 200 grams of protein every day, but you should at least be getting the minimum recommended for your weight. You can do a Google search to find the formula for figuring that out.

    At my weight, my minimum is between 50 and 60 grams a day. If I don't get enough, I do feel icky.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Depending on how much caffeine you were drinking, I know for myself, my head will feel like it is in a vise if I dont get my "normal" amount.....and NOTHING makes it go away, but more caffeine....not healthy, no....but I can NOT take the headaches. I have cut down, though. Excedrin Migraine/Tension has some caffeine in it, and I find that is the only thing that works. Of course if you want to kick the habit to the curb, keep doing what youre doing and I am sure very soon they will go away. (If that is the culprit)
  • jap247
    jap247 Posts: 7
    I had the same problem with headaches for weeks when I started to cut calories. eat healthier and exercise. I think it could be your body detoxing...just stick with it and it will pass. I also find some foods trigger headaches, like citrus fruits and chocolate...aged cheeses, and some food additives. I also ended up going for some physiotherapy on my neck, everything was out of alignment, after learning to keep proper form while exercising I had less neck issues and less headaches. Hope this helps!
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    If you've cut out caffeine then that can cause MAJOR caffeine withdrawal headaches. When I cut out caffeine from my diet in 2005, I had bad headaches for weeks and I couldn't figure out why and then I realised. They eased off and I felt much better for no caffeine afterwards.

    I'd suggest making sure you're drinking enough water for starters and just make sure you're eating a balanced diet and enough calories (don't starve yourself).

    If you're eating a balanced diet, your body should be fine with getting what sugars it needs from that. It's your mind telling you you "need" the other sugars. If you start getting cravings for chocolate and things, I used to get around it by having a hot chocolate-the low fat ones like Options or Cadbury Highlights, which are only about 90 calories and left me feeling more full and satisfied than a chocolate bar would and a helluva lot less guilty.
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    If you're drinking loads of water, it could well be the shock of the cut in calories. Try the things others have suggested, and if the headaches persist get yourself back to see your doctor. However, you may find it calms down once your body gets used to this new regime. I suffer a lot from migraines so I totally sympahtise with you. But my overriding advice is this : DON'T GIVE UP! It is tempting when your head is throbbing to think "Why bother?" But we can benefit much more by pressing through. Keep logging (even if you up your calories a little temporarily) and KEEP exercising. Losing weight and gaining fitness can only be good for your health. Hope you soon feel much better. Friend me if you need some support.
  • witchywillow
    witchywillow Posts: 143 Member

    im also just wondering wether its our bodies crying out for the amount of food we are use to eating and its not getting anymore, i have heard it can take up to 12 days for our bodies to get use to the lesser calories (dont know how true this is) but i would think we would suffer some withdrawal systems no different then give up smoking and drink, must be the same i would think.