Not losing weight...but I'm feeling GREAT!!!

Hi all! :) Pretty new here, but have been using fitnesspal for approx. 2 weeks now. Tracking my meals...getting excercise (wii zumba), drinking my water...etc etc. Now that I've been watching my meals and weight has gone up a few pounds! :( I'm disappointed, but on the other hand, I am feeling GREAT!!!! My clothes do seem to fit nicer and a bit looser!

I was going to give up and go back to my normal routine of not watching my meals...and exercising when I "felt" like it....but the way I'm feeling right now, I need to keep pushing myself!

Just wondering though, why I would go up in weight and not stay the same or lose any at all???


  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    that is's all about you feel. it could just be water retention...if you have higher sodium or something? Or TOM coming? Are you female? LOL?
  • jolielouise
    jolielouise Posts: 14 Member
    It may be because you are converting fat into muscle through exercise, and muscle weighs more than fat.
  • Carolina_Skys
    Carolina_Skys Posts: 21 Member
    i am going through the exact samething. i feel great, clothes fit better, but no weight loss in a month's time. My advice is to stick with it.Good luck on your journy!!
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    Good for you guys for sticking to it! Whether you're eating your exercise calories or not, I'd try switching it up. Sometimes a change does the body good after it's gotten used to something. Also, whenever I plateau, I make a point to go for an hour walk extra each day. It's a time commitment, but it's a fun time to call my mom or catch up with friends. It always bumps me right down. Good luck to you!
  • HeatherJeffrey
    I'm going through the same thing! And granted... I give myself weekends "Off" where I don't track but try to eat healthy. I hate getting on that scale and not seeing the number go down. I do feel slimmer but I'd like the scale to reflect it. I'm a busy mom of two and a friend warned that I'm probably burning too many calories just taking care of my kids to warrant only eating 1200 a day. What are your thoughts?!
  • stacyann1001
    stacyann1001 Posts: 41 Member
    Same thing here! 2 weeks in and I hit a plateau - I lost 6 pounds which is great but thats it! I haven't seen the scale go down since BUT I do feel great, I feel more energized every day, my pants are fitting better even though my tummy still looks as bloated and gross as always (why wont you just leeeave me already, ugggh), I am getting amazing sleep at night which I really cant remember the last time that happened so I am grateful BUT I would really love to see the number go down a little more, hard to stay motivated and on track when my goal still seems so far away even after my every day hard work..... just trying to keep my mindset in the right place - I feel very committed to MFP so I am thankful for this site and all the people on it! You all are great motivators :)