To All Moms:



  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    i gained around 5 stone (70 lbs) during my first pregnancy in 2007-2008. i lost about 2 stone(28lbs) of it, then got pregnant again later that year 2008-2009 and gained around 2/3 stone it was only in july 2010 that i decided to loose weight and get my life back in shape.

    i started by walking my eldest to playschool, then walking with the little one in the buggy until we were ready to go pick the big one up, i was walking 3 hours straight twice a week.

    then i started with exercise dvds.

    its really only in the last 6 months that i've started eating right and joined the gym and really put my *kitten* into getting in shape.

    i've gone from a uk 22 to a uk 14 (which i'm almost into a 12).

    its a long road, hard work but i've only got about another 30 lbs until i'm at my pre-pregnancy weight -
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    I had my little girl 6 months ago but only gained around 17 lbs during the pregnancy (due to throwing up not good habits sadly). I am at my pre-pregnancy weight but my clothes fit way differently and the belly is still there for sure. I am a full size higher than I was this weight before the baby.
  • karenmiller81
    karenmiller81 Posts: 14 Member
    I didn't gain a whole lot with either pregnancy--roughly the recommended 25-30 pounds and what I found both times is that losing the weight has been pretty easy...except for the last 5 pounds! Boy are they stubborn. That's what I'm working on. But it is important to remember that for some of us, the mommy pooch is partially stretched out skin (at least in my case it is as my babies were pretty big and I'm average size). And there isn't anything that can remove stretched out skin, except for a tummy tuck!
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    I had my first son in Jan 2009 and gained about 60-70 lbs oops lol I never lost most of it. I had my second son this past September and lost all of it ( gained about 40) within 2.5 months. I am now working on loosing the rest of the leftover from my first pregnancy
    I havent lost all of the mommy pooch yet but it has gotten better.
  • I gained 1 pound during pregnancy (however, I lost 25 in the first trimester so that 1 pound doesn't mean much) and I was told that if you had a "pooch" at the bottom of your tummy, it never goes away. I didn't have gestational diabetes or any complications other than pre-eclampsia the last 3 weeks from being so stressed out at work, and I was so plus sized before having my son (size 20 or 22) that I already had the mommy flab. I'm already almost 20 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight, and mine is still there with a vengeance. At least it still kinda covers the c-section scar!!!
  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    i gained 80 lbs with my little boy. he will be a year old on friday and ive lost 120 since delivering him. they say your stomach is the last to go and its true...ive lost everywhere else but my stomach, i have about 40lbs to go to my goal weight and its just finally starting to go away with the help of 30 day shred. after 30 ds i plan on doing ripped in 30 and hopefully my pooch gets smaller! good luck! oh yeah, i heard reverse crunches help with the least thats wjhat jillian said lol
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    I had 5 kids in under 10 years, and so my weight was up and down a lot.
    My last baby nursed till he was almost 3!!! and between that and a heavy running schedule i went down to my pre-kids weight with practically no effort.
    That baby pouch was FLAT!
    slacking, lack of sleep and just sheer laziness since this september has let some of those pounds creep back, and guess where they went?!
    yup. tummy is back just a little and pissing me off!

    I've increased my protein intake and added more strength and core routines, so i'm hoping to say good bye to that unwanted little bulge real soon!
  • Ok, Now I feel bad after read everyone's. But that only helps me to remember that it's time for my weight to go away. I weighted 115 pre-preg before I had my son TEN years ago. Yes 10 years! I gained 42 pounds and never lost a pound after having him. And now I weigh 193 only after I joined this site at the first of this year. My heaviest has been 198. I will accept all friend request if anyone wants to support me on getting back to my pre-preg weight!
  • I gained about 40 pounds during both pregnancies, way back in the mid to late 90's (my kids are now 12 and 15). I dropped the weight after each one, but still had the tummy issue. For me, it's the way my skin is--it just doesn't have the elasticity to return to its former state after all that stretching (my first baby was 9 lbs, 3 oz, and I'm not so tall--all the weight was right out front, and the stretching was unbelievable...I had my first stretch mark at 3 months!). So...even when I lose all the weight, there's still that belly there, and it's mostly stretched out skin (at this point, my problem is typical middle age weight gain and slower metabolism...I'm 43 now). My dad's a dermatologist, and says the only thing I could do to fix the problem is have a tummy tuck, but I'm not interested in surgery. I do my best to stay fit and tone my abs, etc., and at least I know they are in there somewhere!
  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    When I had my son, I gained 50+ pounds and until now, I haven't lost any of it other than the whole whopping 6lbs 13oz my son weighed. I haven't lost but 5.5 lbs for now but I'm hoping to get down to 145 which is my first goal. Then after I reach that I plan to drop another 10-20lbs.....As far as the "mommy pooch" I was wondering the same thing.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    I've had 2 kids, with the first I gained 31 pounds with the second 36. I lost all the weight fairly quickly I would say between 4 -5 months. As far as the pooch, I don't think I have one. Look at my profile pic in the red bikini. But my stomach has never been a problem area for me, I tend to carry my weight on the bottom. Good luck.
  • Abalicious11
    Abalicious11 Posts: 42 Member
    Pre Pregnancy I weighed about 220 and then I lost around 30lbs becuase I was puking so much. so all together with my son I gained 8 lbs back and he weighed 7lbs 13oz so after I had my son I weighed 183 and also had an emercency c section so i have that ungly scar that my belly hangs over. hes currently 8 months old and Im trying to get back down to where I was after i had him! still have lots to go!
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    I did gain a good bit during my pregnancies, but also have huge babies and too much amniotic fluid. On a 5'3" frame, that means my belly always looked absolutely giant. Even the doctors couldn't believe how big I was to not have twins. My abdominal muscles are separated from top to bottom, so it always hangs out and I look pg all the time unless I keep my stomach tightened all the time.:( Anyway, I know I will still look smaller as I have about 20-25 more to lose, but my stomach will never look smooth or flat unless I have my muscles sewn back together and a tummy tuck...
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I put on 30 pounds with my DS, lost it all by 6 months then in the next year I put on 40

    I've now lost 50 and am 10 pounds under my pre preg weight but I still have the mummy belly, its slowly going but I think it'll be the last thing to lose, I'm aiming to lose another 10
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I had my daughter in 2008 and was 127lbs at my first appt. I weighed more than normal when I got pregnant. Then I gained 55lbs....I was HUGE!! After having her, I lost about 45lbs in the first month...lots of water weight and I guess breastfeeding probably helped. I was then stuck around 135-140lbs until she was around 1 1/2 years old. Someone told me that if you don't lose the weight by 2 years, it gets much harder. That is when I started working out all the time and counting my calories....It took me about 6 months, but I got down to 105lbs. I think the pooch thing has to do with genetics as well. I had an emergency c/s and have no pooch or stretch marks. My sister has had 2 kids and is overweight and she doesn't have any stretch marks either.
  • tjpinch
    tjpinch Posts: 87 Member
    I started at 135, and put on 40lb with my first. I only lost 25 of that before getting pregnant again and gaining another 40lb. For those keeping track, that put me at 190 at my heaviest. I've lost 29, but still have 26 to go. So far it looks like the weight is coming off proportionately, but with 26 to go who knows what I'll look like at the end.

    (and I realize my ticker says 9lb lost. Next pregnancy I'm going to weigh in right before I give birth!)
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i also had my daughter in 2008 and like you, i gained over 60 lbs. i lost about 34 right away just from giving birth, and then didn't even try to get rid of the rest. i started 5 months ago REALLY trying and i've lost 10" in my waist, 6" in my breasts/chest and 5" in my hips. 26 lbs gone. my tummy is getting a little smaller, but i still do have that little mommy pouch. but i've had 3 children so i guess it's to be expected. LOL i gained about 50+ lbs with each pregnancy. i think if you don't gain too much, you can probably get your tummy back. (hind sight is 20/20 right?)
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    First pregnancy in 2008, I gained 30 lbs, lost all of it plus a couple lbs by 2 months. Second pregnancy in 2010, I gained 34 lbs, lost all of it after 9 months.