
  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    I'll Join but since I Started today I havent lost any weight:tongue:

    And since it's coming into winter here in oz I guess I'll have a bit more time till I try on the bikiki :laugh: hehe
  • mom_luk
    mom_luk Posts: 6
    Is it too late for me to join? I really need a team. We've been reno'ing and my 14 year old daughter has been in charge of meals... need I say more?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • aduff77
    aduff77 Posts: 56
    Check in day and I am up one pound from wednesday. I'm going to attribute that to weight fluctuation, and my taco bell dinner last night. :wink:

    I'm super excited about the group and my overall goal is to get rid of about 15-20 pounds before my wedding at the end of July. I plan on working out 5-7 days and I just started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I'm feeling good, feeling motivated and ready to rock that bikini on my honeymoon!!

    The hardest part for me is keeping up with my food but I'm looking to this group to keep me accountable!

    Thanks guys!

    :heart: :heart: :happy: :heart: :heart:

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    down three punds from my last way in
  • mommyto2cuties
    mommyto2cuties Posts: 82 Member
    Check in day and I am up one pound from wednesday. I'm going to attribute that to weight fluctuation, and my taco bell dinner last night. :wink:

    I'm super excited about the group and my overall goal is to get rid of about 15-20 pounds before my wedding at the end of July. I plan on working out 5-7 days and I just started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I'm feeling good, feeling motivated and ready to rock that bikini on my honeymoon!!

    The hardest part for me is keeping up with my food but I'm looking to this group to keep me accountable!

    Thanks guys!

    :heart: :heart: :happy: :heart: :heart:

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting

    Sounds like a good plan!!!

    Awesome job jolinemm!!!

    Welcome MissMessy and mom luk!!!
  • dachinababe
    dachinababe Posts: 185
    Idk how much I lost or gain, haven't been on the scale for a while now. I'm going to start today so check in next week :)
  • flairbear
    flairbear Posts: 38
    Hey Everyone!!

    Everyone seems to be doing great!

    Welcome to our new members MissMessy and Mom_luk!

    So.. heres what i've got so far:

    1. cmstief
    2. dachinababe
    3. Xersis
    4. Families_R_Forever
    5. jolinemm_07 ............................... -3 pounds!!
    6. squib
    7. leann_m_olsen
    8. mommyto2cuties............................- 1 pound!!
    9. Starrotts ...................................... -1.8 pounds!!
    10. DBranchaud
    11. aduff77
    12. flairbear (me) .............................. - 1.4 pounds!!
    13. MissMessy
    14. Mom-luk

    in total (so far)..........................................7.2 pounds!!!! WOOHOO!

    Let me know if anything is wrong, or if i should be doing this a different way (this is the first group i've started)
    Im sooo excited for this group.
    Add on if you have lost weight and it isn't posted!!

    Great Job and Good Luck next week everyone, it looks like we're going to be rocking our bikinis in no time!!
  • cmstief
    cmstief Posts: 59
    okay so... i haven't weighed myself in a couple weeks or two.. im kind of afraid to! but tomorrow morning i will get on the scale!
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    what weight do you think is appropriate to wear a bikini? :blushing:

    I'm not sure if there is an "appropriate weight"

    :laugh: I think there is defintely a "cut off" weight for a bikini! :laugh:
  • rosabella
    rosabella Posts: 194 Member
    I'd like to be on the team! I do plan to be in my bikini in the next 6 weeks!

    And, the appropriate weight to wear a bikini is whatever weight you'd like to celebrate your beautiful body - who cares what anyone else thinks! It's all about loving your body NOW, that way you will treat it right. :laugh:
  • mommyto2cuties
    mommyto2cuties Posts: 82 Member
    I'd like to be on the team! I do plan to be in my bikini in the next 6 weeks!

    And, the appropriate weight to wear a bikini is whatever weight you'd like to celebrate your beautiful body - who cares what anyone else thinks! It's all about loving your body NOW, that way you will treat it right. :laugh:

    Nice attitude :smile: That really is a great way to think about it.

    Thanks Flairbear for doing an awesome job keeping track and organizing!
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    May 31: 153.5 pounds :frown:
    total loss: 0

    all my loss or gain I'm gonna calculate from this number
  • Xersis
    Xersis Posts: 11
    Checking in - lost about .5 lbs this week. Hard to tell because I have an old school scale so I'll stay conservative...
  • Not sure if I am doing this right but I added my weight loss to my name. I did not know if I was supposed to copy the whole list or not. Either way since last Sunday I lave lost 3 pounds and I want to loose 5 pounds by the 15th of June. Are we checking in every Sunday??? I look forward to next week and I will try to not be late next time! HEIDI
    Great Job everyone and I look forward to getting to know all of you better!
    1. cmstief
    2. dachinababe
    3. Xersis
    4. Families_R_Forever (Heidi)..... .-3 Pounds
    5. jolinemm_07 ............................... -3 pounds!!
    6. squib
    7. leann_m_olsen
    8. mommyto2cuties..........................-1 pound!!
    9. Starrotts ......................................... -1.8 pounds!!
    10. DBranchaud
    11. aduff77
    12. flairbear (me) .............................. - 1.4 pounds!!
    13. MissMessy
    14. Mom-luk
  • mommyto2cuties
    mommyto2cuties Posts: 82 Member
    Congrats Families_R_Forever on the 3 pound loss!!! That is amazing!

    Nice job Xersis on your loss as well!
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    I'm a little late but I would like to join! I live on the beach and I live in a bathing suit!

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • aduff77
    aduff77 Posts: 56
    Adding my name to the list!

    1. cmstief
    2. dachinababe
    3. Xersis
    4. Families_R_Forever (Heidi)..... .-3 Pounds
    5. jolinemm_07 ............................... -3 pounds!!
    6. squib
    7. leann_m_olsen
    8. mommyto2cuties..........................-1 pound!!
    9. Starrotts ......................................... -1.8 pounds!!
    10. DBranchaud
    11. aduff77....1.4 pounds!
    12. flairbear (me) .............................. - 1.4 pounds!!
    13. MissMessy
    14. Mom-luk

    Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • rosabella
    rosabella Posts: 194 Member
    Adding Myself too!

    1. cmstief
    2. dachinababe
    3. Xersis
    4. Families_R_Forever (Heidi)..... .-3 Pounds
    5. jolinemm_07 ............................... -3 pounds!!
    6. squib
    7. leann_m_olsen
    8. mommyto2cuties..........................-1 pound!!
    9. Starrotts ......................................... -1.8 pounds!!
    10. DBranchaud
    11. aduff77....1.4 pounds!
    12. flairbear (me) .............................. - 1.4 pounds!!
    13. MissMessy
    14. Mom-luk
    15. Rosabella .................................-1 pound!!
  • I would like to join... is it too late?
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    hey two more pounds
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