24 year old girly looking for support :)

Hey I'm Jesse I'm looking for some support and advice from MFP and take advantage of the amazing community this place provides. I am 5"0 extremely over weight 320 pounds :/ 24 years old i'm looking to change my life to start a family with my husband of 1 year :) I feel more comfortable with other women just because i'm self conscious.
thank you <3


  • cls09
    cls09 Posts: 38
    Hi Jesse! Welcome to MFP! I too am trying to start living a healthy lifestyle for my soon to be husband. Feel free to add me!:happy:
  • Hi Jesse, congrats on finding and getting involved with MFP! I just started yesterday, but I am also working with a friend who is a coach with Team Beachbody, you should check it out. I signed up for the free membership and my friend is a great motivator. Add me, I am definitely here for support and here to lose weight and become healthy myself, :)
  • Welcome to MFP! It is a great tool. I am trying to lose the baby weight from my two girls (I had two girls in three years) and look amazing for my wedding in June. Feel free to ad me! We can support each other!
  • I've just started my journey as well, and I would be happy to support you. Feel free to add me!
  • skump425
    skump425 Posts: 166 Member
    Welcome! I started here in October with my lifestyle change. I am 23. Feel free to add me for encouragement!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    I'm here for you if you'll be there for me too!
  • 4lelito
    4lelito Posts: 90
    Thank you girls :)

    I can't wait to have children! However it's dangerous for me to even think about it because of diabetes,high blood pressure, and other complications when it comes to getting pregnant when you are this obese.. I feel so bad for my husband..
  • determined2lose89
    determined2lose89 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi there, 22 years old with 38lbs to go! I'll send you a friend request :)
  • treegirl2154
    treegirl2154 Posts: 8 Member
    27 with over 100 to lose just like you! feel free to add me, but good luck regardless
  • hi ! im new here and my name is Aisha. i just started the atkins diet but i decided to count calories as well :) i made great progress so far but i need you guys as my support system because im the only one here at my house on this diet. fighting temptation is fairly easy but it gets challenging sometimes.. any ideas? oh, and please add my you guys, thanks =)
  • well i can say that the first step is realizing that u have a problem and overall wanting to do somethingn about it ...u and i are in the same boat but im 24 and 5'7 and i now weigh 340
  • cbelt82
    cbelt82 Posts: 62
    Sending you a friend request! And yall feel free to add me too! Us women need to stick together! I too am newly married... just celebrated our 2 year. I am not overweight HOWEVER I DO feel that since we got married I have let myself go. This is a personal decision of mine to get back in shape. When we met I was very thin and that was one thing he loved about me...that I took good care of myself...then we got married...and I gained weight. I've been through 2 miscarriages and am wanting to get as healthy as possible before we start trying again because I cannot go through all that again. Whew... I totally just vented! hahahaha Anyway...add me yall!
  • good luck with that diet ....oh lawd ive tried that diet it keep me remaining HUNGRY...how do you do it...oh and im new to this as well maybe we can share the things we do on a regular basis????
  • 4lelito
    4lelito Posts: 90
    I know what you mean my husband eats junk food all the time he sits down eats a bag of chips in front of me or drinks coke..I get so mad :P because it's so tempting
  • 4lelito
    4lelito Posts: 90
    I'm sorry that you had to go through that I know how painful that is I had to see my sister go through the same thing..she had 3!! because she was obese as well she was around 330 and now she is 360 or less last time i've asked but she looks great and she was able to have her baby :) who is now 1 going on to 2 next month : / i never would have thought my weight would affect me so much but it does..
  • emmy0417
    emmy0417 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey Jesse! Welcome to MFP! :) You're def in the right place. And you can DO this!
    Everyone on MFP is so motivational - my friends got me started and I've come to discover many many more awesome people who help me along the way.
    I started and stopped and of COURSE I came back after I gained my weight back... cuz w/out MFP? I just eat and eat and eat.... sigh. It will really help to actually SEE what you're putting in your body!
    So glad you're here! Feel free to add me! I'll be your support if you be mine! :)
  • 4lelito
    4lelito Posts: 90
    Thank you :) I been eating healthier and less with MFP :) it's such a great tool i'm hooked!
  • witheredorchid
    witheredorchid Posts: 164 Member
    Welcome. This is a great place for support and motivation. Feel free to add me :)
  • hey girl! welcome to MFP! i'm 20 years old and always here to talk if you need anything! definitely add me :smile:
  • LilMizDetermined
    LilMizDetermined Posts: 174 Member
    23 feel free to add me :)