
I started running/jogging 3 miles a day the 2nd day of the new year.. I've been logging my food, eating healthier. Yes I've had a few days where I didnt evercise and Went out to eat, but overall I've changed my lifestyle 300% for the better. I get on the scale today and I've GAINED 3 lbs since I've started. How is that even possible? This is so depressing. :( I used to be in great shape (Running atleast 3 miles a day, martial arts, and kick boxing) and I had no problem staying fit then, so why is it that I feel like I'm putting all this effort in with no result. I understand I'm building muscle and it weighs more than fat, but 3 lbs heavier? That just doesnt seem right. Anyone have this happen to them in the beginning too?


  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Change comes very slowly, but don't give up. Keep going and give it more time.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Its simple, your body's confused. Give it time--- find a good day to weigh in, I had to change mine. Stay on the right path and you will see results.
  • eoney
    eoney Posts: 35
    This is super common, so do NOT give up!! There are so many reasons--some you've heard and some that make you think "who'da thunk?" Running makes you hungry, so you may eat more. Pay attention to sodium levels and not just calories and fat...sodium equals water retention equals weight gain. Of course, there's always the whole muscle weighs more than fat, but in the end the muscle will help burn the fat faster. Also (and this was my own "who'd a thunk" moment), muscles that haven't been used in awhile (or ever) retain water as well, thus short-term weight gain. Give your body time to adjust to its new happier, healthier lifestyle. Add in some strength/weight training. Rely more on measurements or how your favorite jeans fit than what the scale says. And, above all, KEEP AT IT!!
  • jaceface87
    jaceface87 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks! These were all very encouraging. I guess if nothing else I'm getting better nutrition and my heart is happier.