30 Day Shred Group for February!


Just started this! :]
Gives everyone plenty of time to get the dvd and we can all start together!!!!

Looking for more moderators and Admins to kick this off! :]

I figure starting this right at the start of the month would be awesome and by March 1st we'd be finishing up!

Let me know if anyone is interested in helping me run this!


  • JanaMatchett
    JanaMatchett Posts: 50 Member
    I was reading the thread about this shred thing yesterday. What is it exactly....I've never heard of it. Of course, I haven't exactly been working out much lately aside from here and there at home. I'm very interested in doing this I think. Would like more info. Thanks!:smile:
  • beez89
    beez89 Posts: 182 Member

    Thats a good question! lol
    Here is a great link I found that explains everything :]


    I have heard amazing things about it, so I'm ready to go for it!

    Plus it's only 20 minutes long a day! So doable if your Mom like I am and only really have time to workout during naps.
  • I want to join. I'm borrowing it from a friend tomorrow.
  • I'm already doing it, but I'd love some support and to give some support. I think working together makes everything just a little easier.
  • JanaMatchett
    JanaMatchett Posts: 50 Member
    Okay thanks! Wow it sounds like it's a tough one but will have much greater results. I know when I was doing 20 min aerobics (many years ago) it was fairly easy because it was so short but the results were great! I want that body again!!! I'm in!
  • aritchey1977
    aritchey1977 Posts: 65 Member
    I have been doing the "No More Trouble Zones" by Jillian Michaels and that one kicks my butt. Jillian Michaels and I are in a love/hate relationship. When I feel like I'm going to puke if I have to lift one more weight I hate her and when I see the results, I love her. I will join this group for February. I am going on a cruise with my husband for our 15th wedding anniversary in May and I want to look good for it. We are doing a vow renewal and I get to buy a pretty dress and I do NOT want it to be in the size I am now. So girls you can count me in!!
  • I just bought this yesterday. We were going to start it at work today but the dvd player there wouldn't let us play it! Odd. So we did hip hop abs and a one mile walk dvd instead. So I bring it home and works fine!! So I think I will wait until Feb to start with all of you. HA! Maybe working out until then will help so I'm not so sore and tired the first workout. hehe I will have some warm up weeks. Its been a long time since i have worked out hard. This week has been killing me but feels great. Can't wait to start it.
  • I was doing the shred and made it up to day eleven. After only one day on level 2 I ended up hurting my back. If my back improves I will start back with you guys. I was so bummed to have to stop, this video really works! I am going to the doctor this week to get some help, hope I can join!
  • carole456
    carole456 Posts: 121 Member
    Count me in!
  • only 10 bux at target. count me in too!
  • I am excited to join the group, let's do this.
  • I would like to join!!!
  • I will join in...I am doing Ripped in 30 right now. On Feb 1, I will switch to the Shred. I'm not consistent, so please dont ask about the Ripped in 30...except to say it kicks butt.
  • kat2475
    kat2475 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm already part of the group but can help moderate if you need help. I'm a SAHM so I'm able to check in quite a bit during the day.
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    Im in!! I bought the DVD then went to the Dr and he told me I could not do too much exercise with my shoulder for a month, so I do the ones that have less shoulder movements or I modify them. I was thinking about starting my 30DS in Feb anyway so this will be perfect for me. I just really hope I can keep up with it, it looks tough. Right now I am doing the Biggest Loser Calorie Burn (not sure exactly what it is called) and it kicks my butt. I can barely do the second set of jumping jacks and I cant hardly do anything with weights, but that is because of my shoulder issue.
  • Netzie
    Netzie Posts: 107 Member
    only 10 bux at target. count me in too!

    We shop alike. I bought this a bit back and been wanting to start it. Now with this group I am.
  • shannonc1115
    shannonc1115 Posts: 21 Member
    Ok, why not.
    How do I join?
  • Count me in :) I'm so happy I found it online, since I live in Serbia and no one wants to send the dvd here :/ Sometimes I feel like I live in Neverever land o.O
  • nickm21
    nickm21 Posts: 248 Member
    I'm in!! currently doing ripped in 30 and wont bre done so will combine the 2
  • I would love to join! Just the motivation I need to get back on track!