What's the Better Option:

I just wondered whether it actually mattered what you ate as long as your under your count.

does it make a difference to your weight loss/gain?

Would you be better off having burger and fries and being under your 1200 calorie count, or eating salad and lean protein and going over?

Thanks. x


  • gj4man
    gj4man Posts: 52 Member
    For losing weight, option a

    For actually getting some nutrients into your body, option b
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Whilst some days I do stay under my cals but not necessarily eat the 'right' foods, it is better for us if we can adjust our food habits and eat healthier foods. If you're anything like me, I couldn't think of anything worse than sitting eating a plate of salads but I try and get veg into my diet in other ways, for example, last night I dry fried some chicken, then added some mediterranean vegetables and some sliced mixed peppers then added some sweet chilli sauce and served it with a jacket potato, and I have to say I did enjoy it. Another favourite is chicken fajitas, where I pile them up with onions and mixed peppers.

    Its not just about the weight issue tho, we need to be healthier for our kids, and we'll only be like that if we eat a healthier, balanced diet. I have to be honest tho, I do struggle with the veggie issue tho

    Good luck hun xx
  • acbridges
    That's something I have wondered as well, I do know that the body burns all its carbs first, then the proteins, and lastly the fats. SO in continuing to eat a numerous amount of the carbs, your body will absorb all of them and when you exercise that will be what you burn off. You have to give your body a chance to get past the burning of the carbs and such, I'll email you the information my doctor gave me about that.
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    You can eat whatever you want and still lose weight at the same rate as long as you stay under your calories. But if you eat fattier junk food you'll probably be hungrier all day because they're higher in calories and so you can't eat as much. (:
    I eat junk like crisps and sweets whenever i have enough calories and I'm still losing weight fine.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Its according to what is important to you, the way you look or the way you feel.

    If I had option A, it would kill me because I have genetically high cholesterol. I also have the experience if I eat a burger and fries, I am going to feel like crap, like I have a hang over after.

    I am not in this game for weight loss really, I am in it for my long haul health.

    Food is powerful stuff and should be taken seriously.
  • lynzyn
    lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
    U r trying to loose weight why did u even ask that question???????????? Burger and fries= LOTS OF FAT salad with some tuna =HEALTHY WITH PROTEIN....
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member

    Very interesting. Thanks.

    I generally eat relatively healthy and pack as many vegetables as I can into my diet, I'm not so good with the fruit, mainly because I'm allergic to citrus!

    It's just some days I feel like I've done really bad, like yesterday when I had burger and fries from burger King, but I was still under my calorie count. It just makes you wonder whether there should be guilt. If your goal is 1200 (that is what MFP set for me) then is it ok what I eat as long as I am just under my target. It appears that, yes - it is ok.

    And yes, for health reasons, lots of fruit and veg are necessary too. I'm not worried about that, it's more the fat count.

    Thanks guys. x
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    U r trying to loose weight why did u even ask that question???????????? Burger and fries= LOTS OF FAT salad with some tuna =HEALTHY WITH PROTEIN....

    No one is perfect and we all have off days. I did yesterday which is why I have asked the question - I was still under.
  • mwpresley
    if you're on a diet, then you'll probably choose option A.
    if you are changing your lifestyle to include being healthier & not just losing weight, you will choose option B.

    of course no one is perfect, but day-to-day, no matter what your calorie intake, those fatty foods will add up in the end and cost you your health. my vote is for the not included option C: eating healthy, lean foods AND staying under calorie goal :smile:
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    If you're generally pretty healthy then don't worry about it chicken, if I remember rightly you'd had a pretty ****ty day anyway with the hassle with your card being cloned, so healthy eating would've been the last thing on anybody's mind, in fact, I'm surprised you didn't get bladdered with the stress!!!

    Having a 'treat' day every now and again doesn't hurt you, regardless whether you are under or over cals, its when we do it everyday that we are doing the real damage.

    Keep smiling hun xx :flowerforyou:
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    If you're generally pretty healthy then don't worry about it chicken, if I remember rightly you'd had a pretty ****ty day anyway with the hassle with your card being cloned, so healthy eating would've been the last thing on anybody's mind, in fact, I'm surprised you didn't get bladdered with the stress!!!

    Having a 'treat' day every now and again doesn't hurt you, regardless whether you are under or over cals, its when we do it everyday that we are doing the real damage.

    Keep smiling hun xx :flowerforyou:

    You are lovely. Thanks for your nice comments. x
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member

    Very interesting. Thanks.

    I generally eat relatively healthy and pack as many vegetables as I can into my diet, I'm not so good with the fruit, mainly because I'm allergic to citrus!

    It's just some days I feel like I've done really bad, like yesterday when I had burger and fries from burger King, but I was still under my calorie count. It just makes you wonder whether there should be guilt. If your goal is 1200 (that is what MFP set for me) then is it ok what I eat as long as I am just under my target. It appears that, yes - it is ok.

    And yes, for health reasons, lots of fruit and veg are necessary too. I'm not worried about that, it's more the fat count.

    Thanks guys. x

    EEEHHH, if this is a "once and a while thing" you will be fine. If it was an every day thing, then that is different. Just an fyi, Burger King does have a veggie burger and it is actually quite good!

    Dont stress it, there are some days I have to eat a candy bar, and that is what I do. :)
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I just wondered whether it actually mattered what you ate as long as your under your count.

    does it make a difference to your weight loss/gain?

    Would you be better off having burger and fries and being under your 1200 calorie count, or eating salad and lean protein and going over?

    Thanks. x

    Why can't you have salad and lean protein and be under 1200? you're more likely to be under with just salad, veg and lean meat/fish than burgers and fries.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    A plan with a cheat day may suit you.

    The maths says you will lose weight with option A. My only point is that your body craves nutrients, which makes following option A nails.
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    U r trying to loose weight why did u even ask that question???????????? Burger and fries= LOTS OF FAT salad with some tuna =HEALTHY WITH PROTEIN....

    No one is perfect and we all have off days. I did yesterday which is why I have asked the question - I was still under.

    Like a lot of people have said you can lose weight eating whatever while being under calories, but again like others have said it's how YOU feel. Personally fast food makes me feel icky .. i don't process the meat of hamburgers well and just mentally it is a 'ugh i feel like crud' thing for me. However, some people are so busy that it might be the only thing they can get at the time. I knew a guy who was a bounty hunter (NO LIE), a personal bodyguard, martial arts master with his own dojo and ate mcdonalds 1-3 meals a day EVERY day. Now, I don't know why he did this except that he liked the taste. He had time to cook his own meals but didn't and he ended up having a heart attack and dying at a little over 40 years old (i only found out about the fast food every day after he had passed). So yea you can stay in good shape .. but is it healthy? Probably not.

    I think like you said, having an off day and eating fast food isn't going to do too much. If it's something you can't get around by getting a healthy snack to hold you off till you can get home for a good dinner, then just make the best choice you can and know that you are making your plan work with your lifestyle but you aren't letting the fast food control you (if I have fast food I tend to go way overboard so am now trying to stay away from it! That's just me though). If it's just the fact of fast food and wanting burgers and fries is why you are going out to eat, try just making them at home (something we are trying to implement). If I don't have time to make it then we don't eat it and we plan it for another day when we do have time. You are more likely to make healthier (baked fries over fried fries, fresh turkey burgers over processed beef) and cheaper (adding a salad with your homemade burger won't cost you a couple more dollars) choices that way.

    Anyway this was lengthy lol Good luck! I think you are fine as long as you tracked it :)