I CRAVE sweets

I've recently started watching my diet...reducing portion sizes, eating healthier foods, etc. My problem area was the amount of sweets I consumed: cakes, pies, cookies, candy, you name it. So until I am able to control it, I have cut the dessert food group out of my diet. My issue is that the cravings for a sugar rush are hitting me hard. I try to eat a healthy snack to offset it, but it doesn't really kill the craving. Can anyone recommend a healthy food/snack/beverage that might help satisfy my sweet tooth?


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Try things that are naturally sweet like fruit. There are also plenty of healthier options such as yogurt or sorbet. No use in cutting out sweets completely; restricting is the number one reason people fail at this program. Remember, everything in moderation! This is a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    Try things that are naturally sweet like fruit. There are also plenty of healthier options such as yogurt or sorbet. No use in cutting out sweets completely; restricting is the number one reason people fail at this program. Remember, everything in moderation! This is a lifestyle change, not a diet.

    This, times 10, haha.
  • Steph62002
    Congrats, that is a great start!

    I only use Truvia now instead of regular sugar. My go-to favorite sweet snack is this:

    Jell-O sugar free 60 calorie chocolate pudding cup
    1 scoop of light Cool Whip
    Crushed mini chocolate chip cookies (1/2 a bag from the 100 calorie packs)

    I scoop the pudding into a bowl and fold the cool whip in, then crush the cookies and crumble on top. :)
  • shellybean826
    i like you msDYJ feel i cant eat sweets either ..not the cake/cookie/white sugar kind anyways ...so i dont lol ..i eat fruit and yogurt ..if im craving something or i might have a piece of sugar free angelfood cake ....otherwise if i have a cookie ...it will satisfy me for the moment ..but a hour later i want another one ....so it doesnt work for me ....i also love the chocolate almonds, they have stevia in them so not "real" sugar and i can have those if im craving a chocolate taste and it gives me that feeling of eating a hersey bar believe it or not ...good luck :)
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    Today has been hard for me foodwise. I wanted something sweet....or maybe just anything. I just poured about a half a cup of frozen blueberries in a cup and sprinkled Splenda on it. OMG! It is great and I might make it through the afternoon with calories left for dinner!
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    These things kick my cravings:

    Chai tea (or any tea, really, with a packet of sweetener)
    Trident Layers gum (I swear, its delicious)
    Crystal light-type water flavors
    Diet hot cocoa (25 calories)
    Sugar free pudding (60-80 calories depending on brand)
    Greek yogurt
    Oatmeal with a little maple syrup
  • seehawkmomma
    I've recently started watching my diet...reducing portion sizes, eating healthier foods, etc. My problem area was the amount of sweets I consumed: cakes, pies, cookies, candy, you name it. So until I am able to control it, I have cut the dessert food group out of my diet. My issue is that the cravings for a sugar rush are hitting me hard. I try to eat a healthy snack to offset it, but it doesn't really kill the craving. Can anyone recommend a healthy food/snack/beverage that might help satisfy my sweet tooth?

    First off this is a life style change. So, dont be too hard on yourself. I love grass hopper cookies so I still buy them. I just pull out 4 to curb that sweet tooth.

    Other times I drink water. Flavored sometimes and wait for it to pass. And honestly drinking 16oz of water and then doing sometehing like reading a book, making a phone call, watching a show, working out makes me completely forget about my craving. I dont if i replaced it with something else it would just start a new addiction(for me personally)

    Eatting fruit never worked for me, but there is jello! And they have the low calorie ones which have helped me out a couple times.
  • Owning2012
    I am the SAME way. If I calorie count, I fill my day with processed garbage loaded with sugars. The only thing I'm successful at doing is carb counting. I basically have to eliminate my refined (processed) sugars in order to not binge eat and stuff my face full of bad foods.
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    I have this problem, too. I think about take 5 bars all the time lol. I've been really good though! I actually don't like the taste of natural sugar lol. There are next to no fruits I like.
  • ojlacox
    ojlacox Posts: 6 Member
    I crave chocolate, but who doesn't. Cheerios has come out with a new type...it's CHOCOLATE! 3/4 cup of these is only 100 calories. They are great for when I'm on the go or just wanting something chocolate.
  • dida0721
    dida0721 Posts: 107 Member
    Right now my go to sweet fix is coffee with splenda or herbal tea (fruit flavored). both have no calories and work pretty well. I also am finding the more fruit and vegetables I eat at each meal the more satisfied I am and the less I crave sweets.
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    Oh yeah those chocolate cheerios are DELICIOUS!
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Just had a choclate cream cake by weight watchers. 90 calories and it was great...
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    I love the sugar free pudding and after I eat my lunch at work I have 1 square of dark chocolate.
  • Flyer615
    Flyer615 Posts: 173 Member
    Like you mentioned, I crave sweets, too. I'm pretty sure I can hear the transformer on the neon "Hot" sign at Kryspy Kreme and it's 30 miles away from me. In my case, it works best just to stay away from them altogether. Everyone is different. I also talk to them (the sweets, that is) as I'm walking down the grocery isle. I tell them, "Oh no, you don't. You don't have a hold on me anymore." Of course, if there's anyone nearby, they look at me funny and whisper among themselves.

    41 down - 81 to go
  • blahblah123314
    blahblah123314 Posts: 39 Member
    Frozen Fruit has been my Godsend since starting MFP and I'm a total junk food junkie. I'm talking chips, candy, or chocolate every single day! I'm weaning myself off that though and frozen raspberries and peaches have been great sweet tooth subs. Yes, they have sugar but a serving or 2 is enough to satisfy the craving and not make me go over my calories or feel guilty. Plus, my cravings for junk have started changing to fruit :)
  • Lollliiipopzzzz
    The less sugar and artificial sugar (splenda, sweet n low, diet soda, etc) you eat, the less you'll crave sugar. What happens when you consume sugar, is that your body wants more of it. When you consume artificial sugar your brain feels tricked because it's basically thinking you're going to eat sugar but you never do. It makes your cravings 10 times worse. Carbs like white bread also get absorbed by your body very quickly, so they make cravings worse. My suggestion would be to limit your intake of sugar. Stick to 1/2 cup of berries over an apple (20-30 grams of sugar) and drink water with lemon or seltzer over diet soda.

    Whenever the urge for sugar is unbearable, eat something with slightly higher fat content and wait about 15 minutes. Usually, the cravings stop.

    Also, make sure you're not dehydrated. If the cravings don't stop, drink a glass of water and see if works.
  • Richellebeatle
    Richellebeatle Posts: 42 Member
    Try skinny cow ice cream sandwiches. I think those are so good!