Out of these, which wii games would you choose?

We got a wii for Christmas and we love it!
The only fitness type game we have right now is Just Dance Kids 2 because we got a great deal on it.
My kids love it, and I do too, but I want more grown up exercise games.

We decided to get a few games with a little tax return money and there are just so many that I want to try that I can't get them all.

I am very interested in getting a zumba game. I have not been to a class or done one of the dvd's but I've heard so much about zumba and seen the commercials and it looks so fun.
There are 2 games though, which one is better, if you have tried them both? Do they both come with the belt that you wear to put the remote in? Are they easy enough to get the hang of it after watching/trying a while? I don't know the moves, but I'm good a learning things after trying for a while.

I am also very interested in one of the Just Dance games. I rented just dance 3 once and it was fun and really worked me out, but I only liked a few of the songs it had, so I think I want to get Just dance or Just dance 2 instead, I'd need to look at the song list and decide which has more songs that I like. Do you guys like one of them better than the other? Do they work you out as well as just dance 3 does?

I'm also very interested in Country Dance 1 or 2, anyone tried those? Which one is better?

Any other fun games you'd recommend?


  • I just got the wii fit and it it truly alot of fun my grandaughters love exercising with me with the wii fit...Zumba Dance is great.
  • smileyface45
    smileyface45 Posts: 146 Member
    Go to wii shop.... you can buy games there and download them to your wii . There is one called Step Up, it is kinda like arobics step workout. I have not got it yet, I was thinking of downloading it tonight. Has anyone else tried this? Input please
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    I have the Acitve by EA sports and it is a great workout program lots of variety and support has a leg strap for the nunchck and gives you a calorie burn for you work out based on the intensity you put in.
  • franniek34
    franniek34 Posts: 77 Member
    I have the Wii Active game...Which is awesome! You can also log your food into that program like you to here to keep you accountable. There is a 30 day challenge that I am working through right now.

    I've also got Just Dance 3. I don't know many of the songs on there either, but I just get out there and move. It's so much fun that you forget that you are working out.
  • My brother and I got my parents a wii with the wii fit board and wii fit plus game. I like it a lot.
  • I'm also interested in the Zumba or Zumba 2 games, but haven't bought one yet. The reviews on Amazon are better for Zumba 2 than the original, though.

    The only Wii exercise game I have is EA Sports Active 2. It's ... not my favorite, but it might be a better start for beginners. For me, there are several exercises it wouldn't recognize for some reason (I'd do them on my own, then move the remote around so that it would register and move on), and it also wouldn't recognize when I tried to run faster or slower (it would just think I was running the same speed the whole time). Not bad if you don't want to leave the house because it does give you a set of exercises that will get you moving, but it didn't capture my attention for very long.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Just Dance 2 is a lot better than JD1 as far as accuracy goes; they're both a lot of fun, though. Zumba Fitness 2 looks a whole lot better than ZF1, too. My daughter really enjoys the free-jog training on Wii Fit Plus, and I think the Wii Fit board is a must have. :)
  • derra99
    derra99 Posts: 54 Member
    I borrowed the Wii Zumba from a friend and LOVED IT! 20 minutes of exercise will break a sweat, but it's so much fun, you don't notice the work. Then, I got Zumba 2 for my birthday and it's even better. It will tell you calories burned and everything. I don't think the first one does that. Either way, I LOVE both of them. I also have the Biggest Loser game and it is pretty neat. It will give you a work out and even let you log your food for the day. It's just not as fun as the Zumba ones are.
  • zumba 2 is AMAZING get it!
    i have the 1st one aswell and the 2nd is better by miles. its a person on the screen not a hologram(sp?)
    also it tells you how many calories you have burnt based on your technique (how many moves you get right) and your weight so i think its quite acurate.
    anyway i count rant on about this game for ages its so good!!
  • Smiler106
    Smiler106 Posts: 124 Member
    I'd ditch the wii and get an xbox. 90% of the games for the wii are for kids.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I have both zumba game and I like the 2nd one better but if you aren't too advanced the 1st one is great. You can check out vids of both on youtube to help you decide.
  • rach2705
    rach2705 Posts: 107
    I've got this plus More Workouts and I think they are really good.

    Oops, quote never copied, this is referring to EA Sports active
  • I am not sure about which wii games would be best but I have Just Dance 3 for the Xbox Kinect and I LOVE IT! You dont even realize you are working out it is so my much my step-daughter will join me once in awhile so it keeps the kids active and occupied as well which is a bonus :)
  • Have both wii fit and zumba, but zumba is getting the most attention. Yes it's way fun.
  • Im so excited to try the Zumba! I love dancing and the commercials seem like they could really be fun! :)
  • I LOVE my Zumba! It is so much fun, and it's so addicting! Another good set of games are the Wii Sports (it does a minor thing of fitness exercises, but really low impact and low intensity) and the Wii Fit. A friend of mine has Wii Fit and he and his parents have each lost about 15 pounds and 3 or 4 inches in about a month. It's fun, and it's really easy to do. It even records your progress on a day to day basis. Good luck with everything!
  • Im so excited to try the Zumba! I love dancing and the commercials seem like they could really be fun! :)

    It IS, I love it! It's really addicting, too. My favorite part about it is that it actually has a tutorial setting where it teaches you the specific moves and steps that you find in each dance. The only major problem, though, is that it wears you out FAST. I'm only able to do ten minute increments (which is two songs) at a time because it messes up my asthma, and there's lots and lots of sweating! You need lots of water when you do it.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    I've played all three of the Just Dance games and like Just Dance and Just Dance 3 the best. I've found that all three play in the same general way but just the songs and graphics are different. All are a blast to play though.

    Wii Fit is great too! I just got back onto it and have been doing strength training and yoga on it. There are some great aerobics games like hula hooping, step, and jogging/running on it too.

    I've heard great things about Zumba so saving up for that one. :)
  • Sweet200307
    Sweet200307 Posts: 38 Member
    I LOVE the just dance 3, I do it for like 1 1/2hr with my friend we work up so much sweat its crazy and its fun, I also love the zumba I have 1 and 2 they both come with the belt and you also work up alot of sweat, all three games tells you how many calories your burning while doing them. They are great ways to exercise without getting board.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I have all of the Just dance games including summer blast, and over all Number 1 is my favorite and then the second one. I heard Black Eyed Peas was good too