New Friendships, support and motivation!

Hi My Fitness Pal fellow members,

Im sorta new to this community and I'm looking to make friends with people who are or have lost weight. Maybe we can share tips, exchange ideas, and support and motivate one another. I officially started my weight loss journey in October of 2011. Since then I have lost 50 plus pounds and thats with no excerise. I maintain good eatting habits and just today starting working out to tone up and shed some of the excess skin. I have 50 more pounds to go before i'm at my doctors and I comfortable weight for me. So I still have a long way to go. Can't wait to hear from you all.
Best Wishes,


  • MsDYJ
    MsDYJ Posts: 9
    Hi Christina!

    Congratulations on the weight loss! That is amazing. Women like you inspire me and motivate me when I feel like giving up. I'd love to exchange ideas and learn about some of the things you've been doing to shed pounds. Good luck!!
  • I'm new aswell. Have to get back into training. Entered my first lot of calories today and was shocked to realise how much over I was! Good to have this tool on the iPad! See everyone about soon I hope! Good luck all!
  • Wow thats some achievement already, well done!!! Looking forward to sharing ideas with you and other members. Feel free to add me if you want someone to share ideas and chat too. Good luck x