Hello! New and figuring things out!

tistal Posts: 869 Member
Hello! I am a SAHM who is trying to lose some weight and get into some kind of shape before our vacation in June. Not only for the vacation but for myself. I have always been fat. Except for a brief period in my early 20's when I was too broke to eat and made my way down to 155 and was happy!

I am 34. 5'8, 200lbs.

I refuse to starve myself again. Its impossible to do with 2 kids anyway. And a hubby who can eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound! Im going to have to work on portion control and trying to find semi healthy options that the whole family will eat! Im a carbaholic so that is going to be my main challenge!

I am doing this on my own. I dont know anyone here so its gonna be hard!

3 days ago I quit smoking and started the 30 Day Shred. Im not as sore as what I thought I would so I think I need to add in some more cardio. Looking to get Zumba for the Wii.

I have plenty of time to workout so I have NO excuses! Both of my kids (5 and 8) are in school and the hubs does not want me going back to work till my son starts kindergarten (he is in pre-k right now full time).

Anyway, HI and I look forward to tracking my progress on here!


  • abaerny
    abaerny Posts: 10 Member
    Hi:) Feel free to friend me if you want support. I think MFP is one of the easiest was to help you lose weight. Its all about logging in all the time. I dropped off for a bit but am back on to lose 30 more lbs.

  • angela72023
    Welcome! You will find lots of encouragement and help on here! And portion control is a biggie for me, because I've always found that putting certain foods off limits never works for long with me...You can do this, good luck!
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I feel free to ad me as a friend... I know how challenging it is with little ones at home (I have three). I have lost over 16 lbs so far and have about 40 lbs to go. Good luck and welcome!
  • Jaffacake05
    Hi, your not on your own, there are loads of us here in similar positions to help each other, looking to lose weight and get fit. I have Zumba on the wii it's brill- i love it. If only i used it more often though.... i'm sure it would help :)
  • cindywcs
    cindywcs Posts: 7 Member
    I love Zumba....I go to classes now 4 times a week.
    I would recommend the Wii if you cant go to classes, just because its more interactive than the DVD's.
    I started out on the Wii and eventually moved to the gym. Another one that I liked for the Wii was the EA Active Sports More WorkOuts.

    Welcome and good luck :)
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    Hello and welcome