Is it normal

If "normal" is the right word to use - to actually have your weight loss plateau as you start out on an exercise regime (when you haven't done any form of regukar cardio work for at least a decade)

I am around 11st 9lbs (163lbs) and have lost about a stone before starting the C25K 2 weeks ago. The programme is going fine, I have been under (not significantly enough to go into starvation mode) on my calories every day since starting the programme and I have been eating healthily...

Yet I haven't really lost anything...

I am loving the C25K and getting into shape, so I am not overly fussed. It just seems a little odd to me and wondered if anyone could shed any light?

Thanks :)


  • MarinaPacheco
    MarinaPacheco Posts: 95 Member
    A similar thing happened to me, I started swimming quite seriously in August and lost the grand total of 1/4 lb that whole month, with sensible eating, just a little under every day, eating back half of my exercise calories. Then suddenly I had a huge drop of 6lb, which was something of a relief. So don't worry, it will come down eventually. I've been swimming ever since :smile: .
  • 20danielle12
    20danielle12 Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks Marina, I figured this may be the case, just wanted to find other people who had experienced the same :)
  • I'm having the same problem! I've lost 20 lbs easily before adding in at least 30 minutes of exercise daily Dec/Jan and it's just being stubborn now. And now I'm actually gaining weight eating about the same as before...I moved my calories down a bit today and I'm hoping it makes a difference.
  • MelsieK
    MelsieK Posts: 72
    Do measurements as well. Results don't always show up on the scales, but will on the cm's lost off your body. I recently slowed my weight loss down, but still losing huge cm's off my body. I don't too much notice of what the scales say anymore, more just a guideline.
  • 20danielle12
    20danielle12 Posts: 54 Member
    I've been meaning to do this for a couple of weeks now, thanks for the reminder :) ----heads off to find the tape measure---
  • gmpearson
    gmpearson Posts: 138 Member
    Yes, this is normal. You are displacing body fat with muscle. I won't tell you muscle weighs more than fat, because a pound is a pound (in my most Texas accent). However, muscle is more dense than fat, and will fill the space where there was fat before - with MORE muscle. This is a good thing, but really can discourage those starting out. Since you are doing the C25K (yay for you - keep it up!!!), you will burn a lot of fat quickly since running is very cardio-intensive, especially if you stay in your target heart rate zone.

    One of the posts above mentions measurements - that is why MFP has a mechanism in place to take measurements. You will see a change in this before you see a change in your weight. Also, bodily changes sometimes take about 3 months to be visible, so be patient and keep it up!!!

    Good luck!!!
  • 20danielle12
    20danielle12 Posts: 54 Member
    Yes, this is normal. You are displacing body fat with muscle. I won't tell you muscle weighs more than fat, because a pound is a pound (in my most Texas accent). However, muscle is more dense than fat, and will fill the space where there was fat before - with MORE muscle. This is a good thing, but really can discourage those starting out. Since you are doing the C25K (yay for you - keep it up!!!), you will burn a lot of fat quickly since running is very cardio-intensive, especially if you stay in your target heart rate zone.

    One of the posts above mentions measurements - that is why MFP has a mechanism in place to take measurements. You will see a change in this before you see a change in your weight. Also, bodily changes sometimes take about 3 months to be visible, so be patient and keep it up!!!

    Good luck!!!

    Fab to know, thanks! There's some new found motivation in me that keeps getting me up at stupid o'clock in -4°C to go running, so I'm hoping it's not going to go away anytime soon!
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    When you start a new exercise regime, your body will store glycogen in your muscles to fuel this new exercise. Along with that is also water reserves. It can take up to a month for this to start to even out.

    This is a GOOD thing, though.

    P.S. It is very unlikely you're gaining actual muscle.