30 day shred question..

i have been reading alot about this on here. i want to start it soon. but im afraid since im just starting this journey and i havent been exercising but for maybe 2 weeks if i get too tired and cant even finish the workout does it even give you results. or if i am not able to do some of the things on there. like i have the cardio max dvd of the biggest loser workouts and some things on there i just CAN NOT do yet. like the lunges and stuff on there i feel if i push farthre im going to break something. is that where you know to stop or do i just keep pushing it? im someone who got an F in pe for not doing anything(not even dressing out) so i know NOTHING bout limits and whatnot. im so confused!! lol


  • Sweeterescape
    I hadn't exercised AT ALL for months before starting...and barely before then! You work through the levels, and there is a person in the background (Anita) who does modified versions of the moves that are easier that you can follow.

    Another thing - I don't think that there is anyone who does it perfectly the first time! Heck, I've moved on to level 2 and I still can't do all of level 1 to the point that I want to. It's about getting yourself moving an boosting your strength and endurance, not doing everything perfectly! Commit to doing the best you can, that's all you can do!

    Give it a try - beware, you'll be REALLY sore the first few days, but push through and you'll be shocked at how quickly you get better. Stick with it for 10 days and you won't be disappointed.

    I'm now on day 2 level 2...and I feel really great! I've lost an inch off my waist already, and I have so much more energy.
  • mommyhas4boyss
    mommyhas4boyss Posts: 62 Member
    :D Thanks so much!!!! i will def give it a go now!
  • colleen_mairead
    colleen_mairead Posts: 36 Member
    I'm deff no professional, but lots of the videos say if you get too tired or just can't push yourself any farther to walk in place during the exercise, or hop, or jog, anything to keep moving.

    When I first started I tried jumping right into 30 Minute Shred, I was so discouraged when I couldn't finish the whole work out and i couldn't even get myself to try again the next day.

    Just do what you can and it'll get easier the longer you keep at it!