
I have been following MFP to the tee... and just not losing. I am really trying to eat healthy. I dont know what I am doing wrong.


  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Can't give advice other than be patient, especially since your diary isn't open for us to peek at and see what you are eating and doing for exercise.
  • centaurfarms
    centaurfarms Posts: 11 Member
    How do I open my diary?
  • centaurfarms
    centaurfarms Posts: 11 Member
    I think I got the diary public now. Any suggestions please
  • Teresa527
    Teresa527 Posts: 62 Member
    How long have you been at it? What are your stats aka height/weight?

    Just at a glance it appears that you are not eating enough. I didn't peek at your exercise diary, what exercises are you doing?
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    After a quick glance at your diary.... please eat less processed foods. And less artificial sweeteners. Artifical sweeteners have been linked to weight gain, causing people to crave sugar and eat more than they would have with plain sugar.

    Try to eat more fresh veggies and fruits, and whole grains.
  • centaurfarms
    centaurfarms Posts: 11 Member
    I use two packs of sweetners a day. I don,t crave sugar from it. I am 5'8 and 50 yr old female. I am a horse trainer so when the weather is good I do ride and burn 500-800 calories on those days. This time of year it is normally 3-4 times a week.

    I have been on it over a month
  • centaurfarms
    centaurfarms Posts: 11 Member
    I am wondering if I am eating enough or not enough.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    After a quick glance at your diary.... please eat less processed foods. And less artificial sweeteners. Artifical sweeteners have been linked to weight gain, causing people to crave sugar and eat more than they would have with plain sugar.

    Try to eat more fresh veggies and fruits, and whole grains.

    I'd suggest more protein more regularly, in addition to reducing the processed foods.
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    It looks like you aren't drinking any water, so be sure you're drinking plenty of water. It's important to log water too to make sure that you're adequately hydrated.

    You should also monitor your sodium content. I see that you aren't monitoring this in your diary, and you're eating foods that are somewhat processed and have a high sodium content.

    Have you added any exercise into your health plan? Even getting out for a short walk is a start.

    Also, take measurements so even if the scale doesn't move you may see progress in your measurements!
  • Are you weighing and measuring your food accurately?
  • Lolamako
    Lolamako Posts: 89 Member
    Buy, they are not expensive AT ALL, a good digital scale, measure your food. Eat less processed food, you'll get to eat more, have an apple and some peanut butter, some good toast with avocado...A smoothie. Maybe try eating your exercise calories, or at least half of them. Drink a TON of water. Eat healthy fats. Maybe buy a heart rate monitor and see just how many calories you are burning. Ditch the scale for a bit and measure yourself every week instead.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Not sure - but I saw a post earlier that for some people 1200 calories isn't enough. Maybe try to up your calorie intake for a week and see what happens. I would up the intake with fruits and veggies. Good Luck!!
  • centaurfarms
    centaurfarms Posts: 11 Member
    Yes I measure my foods.

    What processed foods are you all referring to except for the one microwave meal (lean cuisine ect) I have at lunch I am not sure what else is processed.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I know it seems that if you are under your calorie allowance you will lose weight, but what you eat also plays a part. From a quick look at your diary, your macronutrients are pretty skewed, you have a very carb heavy diet, and dont get a lot of protein or GOOD fats.

    As a starting poing, try to make at least one of your meals a serve of protein (ie lean meat/fish etc) and salad or vegetables. This will help even out your diet, and eliminate some of the processed foods.

    Dont be afraid to add some fat to this too, so put some oliveoil based dressing on your salads or add a bit of avocado. Try also having some nuts as a snack instead of popcorn or other processed foods. If you really need quick fix snacks/meal replacements, consider adding a protein or meal replacement shake to your diet - though this should not be considered a viable alternative to eating real foods!

    Try this for a few days, and see if it helps. Also, watch your water intake to make sure you are getting enough. Let us know how you go! :flowerforyou:
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    You say you're a horse trainer? That's a fairly active lifestyle.
    I hope you don't mind, but I took a peek at your diary and saw that your daily calorie goal is only 1,200.
    I'm no expert, but that's rather low. 1,200 is the bare minimum that you ought to be consuming.
    I have a sedentary lifestyle and mine is 1,400/day.
  • centaurfarms
    centaurfarms Posts: 11 Member
    Im a horse trainer. I get exercise but in winter it is only 3-4 days a week at 4-800 calories each day
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Yes I measure my foods.

    What processed foods are you all referring to except for the one microwave meal (lean cuisine ect) I have at lunch I am not sure what else is processed.

    Well if I look at your diary for the last two days, really the only UNprocessed foods are the yoghurt and sweet potato. I'm not going to get on the 'only eat clean' bandwagon here, don't care for that much... but I think a balance is important and that if you have a good portion of your diet made up of meats, fruit & veg, nuts, dairy etc it is better than getting most of your calories from processed stuff like snack bars, microwave meals, pre-prepared soups etc. It will also significantly lower your sodium intake.
  • Lolamako
    Lolamako Posts: 89 Member
    Having looked at about a weeks worth of meals, I would say you are not getting a lot of "bang for your buck" in that you have VERY few foods listed yet are meeting your 1200 calorie goal. I don't think you are eating enough calories for your lifestyle, but even IF you were of small enough stature that you would only eat 1200 calories, your still not getting enough variety.
  • centaurfarms
    centaurfarms Posts: 11 Member
    I will try to add more meat and veggies/fruit ect. The last couple of days I have been on the go. I will try to make a lot of fresh veggies and fruits up at one time and eat on the go. That is what I did with my grits for a couple of mornings. I will try to reduce the lean cuisines and healthy choice soups for a while.

    I also wonder about the calorie intake. Not sure if it is enough.
  • Downs123
    Downs123 Posts: 3 Member
    I am frustrated too! I am looking at 1200 calories to reach my goal. I can't really understand how I can eat more calories and lose weight?