Needs some buddies!

Hi everyone! My name is Brooke I am 22 years old & weigh 188 pounds (that's after losing 4) I have never been "ideal weight" (110 for my height) though in high school I was very active so I was always able to keep control of my weight. I have gained 45 pounds since high school, most of that since I started dating my husband. We have been together for almost 3 years now & are wanting to start a family. I can't bring myself to get pregnant until I lose some, if not all, of this weight. I don't want to be that mother that just sits & watches her kids play, I don't want to be that mother that has no concept of the latest fashion because I am too big to fit into any of it anyways! I goal is to lose 80 pounds all together, that will put me down to 112 & I will be more then happy with that. I remember I was 103 in 6th grade, so this will be a big shocker. I am a size 16-18 right now, I hope to be in a 5 or 6, if not smaller!!!! I would love to lose all of this by the end of the year, I hope I can!!! Add me if you want some motivation or can give some motivation!!!! Good luck Everyone!


  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Hi Brooke! I'm 28 years old, 5'7" and currently 178-180 (seems to float between those numbers the last week). I'm looking to lose about 30 lbs (hoping to get back into my size 8 AE jeans that I REFUSE to throw away lol). I'm all for having motivating friends on my list that I can also support. I'll send you a request :)
  • junkfood_addict
    ditto. i need support and i think supporting others would do me a world of good also so i have a chance of changing my habits of over-eating and pure laziness (fingers crossed).