New Vegetarian :D

Hi all you nice people :) I am 13 years old and have used MFP for 6 months and lost 45 pounds! Sadly over the holidays I have gained a little back and I am going to get back on track :D I am I brand new lacto-ovo vegetarian haven't eaten any meat for a little over a week :) I am so happy that my parents were supportive and ready to help. My parents due require me to keep track of my protein, potassium, iron, other vitamins, etc so I can live a healthy life style :) So I was wondering if you guys have any recommendations on getting all of my protein ^_^ I appreciate the help guys!


  • Itsallkungfu

    Great job you're doing!:smile:

    Many people worry about the protein issue, but goodly amounts of protein are hidden in far more foods than we think...and we actually NEED far less than we've been told the past few years.

    I've been vegan for a while, and do strength training 4-5 days a week and bicycle riding daily...

    I have found that beans, lentils, and brown rice, with the occasional mushrooms tofu dishes work fine for me.

    Keep up the good work, and ALWAYS do your own research, then form your own opinions on diet..
  • ckehoe89
    ckehoe89 Posts: 144 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for a little over a year now. And to be honest, protein isn't to hard to find.

    Greek yogurt is a good choice, it has a lot of protein, but also a lot of sugar if it is the fruit kind.
    Beans! Beans of all kinds, I love them all, except maybe lima beans. I make bean burritos, stews with beans, etc.
    Tofu is good to- but you need to know how to cook it/marinate it. It takes on flavors wonderfully.
    Eggs also have protein since you eat those. Making hard boiled eggs is an easy way to get protein.