calorie intake?

so, i'm 5ft1.
my calorie goal is 1200, but today and yesterday i had a binge.
today i ate a total of 1835 ish, but after working out i had a net of 1568 ish.
i shouldn't gain weight from this right?
i'm slightly paranoid.. i know.
please help :(


  • Having a free day will not cause you to gain weight... a free day every now and then is fine - at least in my opinion. :)
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    I usually will allow myself one meal per week to indulge. That means going over the calorie amounts MFP suggest for me daily.

    Once in a while going over will not hurt your results and your progress. If you find yourself going over everyday than it might be something to look at to see where you can fix things.

    Don't obsess over it. One day will not ruin all you have worked for as long as you don't keep it up.
  • thank you so much :)