100 lbs Down and Still look the same

I passed 102 pounds down since starting my journey last February 1st. So I beat my goal by almost two weeks.... Hooray...

Still have about 150 to go to get to my projected goal. I looked through the pictures I have taken each month and I look the same. I have definitely lost because the scale says so and I am down about 6 sizes on pants and 1 full size on shirts.

However, I see people on the site that have lost this same amount and you can so tell a dramatic difference in their appearance. I am just wondering if anyone else has experiences a good weight loss and did not physically look different.

Here is to this next year where I finish my transformation.


  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Post your photos and we'll be the judge :-) We're often our own worst critic.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm sure you look way different losing that much weight and losing sizes. Have others around you noticed? Someitmes we are a bit harsh on ourselves.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Sweetie, you really do need to show those pictures to other people. I never really see any change unless its been months and even then I don't realize how big of a change it is. Post them here, or share with people you trust to give you honest opinion and you might be a little surprised ;D
  • msmellebelle
    I never notice my own weight loss because i look at myself everyday...kind of condition myself to be blinded to change because the change is slow. I agree with others, you might be being a little harsh on yourself. or you have lost weight on other parts of your body that aren't as obvious as or face, hands, feet (normally exposed body parts).
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I am sure you look different. You just don't see it in yourself. I'm my own worst critic also. In fact I bought a pair of jeans too big bc I felt one size down was too small and tight. Now I have to keep pulling up my pants!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    We are definitely our own worst critics, like the above poster said -

    Also, though, consider that you are about 40% of the way to your goal. Rather than trying to say, "Do I look like I lost 100 pounds?" think of it as, "Do I look like I'm about 40% of the way there?"
    I bet you do (but once again, pictures are helpful for others to tell for sure).

    More importantly, though, by shedding over 100 pounds, you have literally given yourself back years of your life. You are putting ONE HUNDRED POUNDS less pressure on your joints and your internal organs than you were a year ago.
    You have done something fabulous and what you look like is FAR less important.

    As you lose more and get closer and closer to your goals, you will notice that each increment gets a little more noticeable. Just as an example, it took me 30 pounds to go down one size but, in the last 15 pounds to my goal, I went down three full sizes.

    Someone told me the analogy of a paper towel roll. I think (but can't remember) that they called him Big Al. Imagine that each sheet is a pound (or 10 pounds, whatever increment works for you) of fat and the core of the roll is Thin Al. At the outside of the roll, when you take a sheet off, it barely wraps around once so it isn't very visible and doesn't make Big Al look much smaller but, as you get closer to the center of the roll, each sheet wraps around more times and so each one is more visible as it is removed.

    Regardless, congratulations on the success you have had so far and I wish you all the best on the rest of your way!
  • katkat1717
    katkat1717 Posts: 143 Member
    We are definitely our own worst critics, like the above poster said -

    Also, though, consider that you are about 40% of the way to your goal. Rather than trying to say, "Do I look like I lost 100 pounds?" think of it as, "Do I look like I'm about 40% of the way there?"
    I bet you do (but once again, pictures are helpful for others to tell for sure).

    More importantly, though, by shedding over 100 pounds, you have literally given yourself back years of your life. You are putting ONE HUNDRED POUNDS less pressure on your joints and your internal organs than you were a year ago.
    You have done something fabulous and what you look like is FAR less important.

    As you lose more and get closer and closer to your goals, you will notice that each increment gets a little more noticeable. Just as an example, it took me 30 pounds to go down one size but, in the last 15 pounds to my goal, I went down three full sizes.

    Someone told me the analogy of a paper towel roll. I think (but can't remember) that they called him Big Al. Imagine that each sheet is a pound (or 10 pounds, whatever increment works for you) of fat and the core of the roll is Thin Al. At the outside of the roll, when you take a sheet off, it barely wraps around once so it isn't very visible and does make Big Al look much smaller but, as you get closer to the center of the roll, each sheet wraps around more times and so each one is more visible as it is removed.

    Regardless, congratulations on the success you have had so far and I wish you all the best on the rest of your way!

    Awesome paper towel analogy!! I've never thought of that... :)
  • gbargsley
    Hope this works, first time posting pic...

  • joanbarrow
    Thats amazing weight loss... keep up the great work!!
  • nikkirenee79
    nikkirenee79 Posts: 12 Member
    There is most certainly a big difference! Your stomach and chest are substanitally smaller- especially visible via the side view! You should start taking measurements (if you aren't already) so you can see the results objectively. Congratulations and keep it up!

    Edited to add: Do you see a difference in your face? I understand you might be hesitant to post your face, but I would be willing to guess there is a big difference!
  • tiddy2
    tiddy2 Posts: 1
    Congratulations, so much of a difference. Keep up the good work we are all works in progress and its one step at a time!!!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    You're doing great and I sure can see a difference.
  • kamoira23
    kamoira23 Posts: 193
    i definitely feel the same way! i thought i was the only one! i've lost almost 80lbs, gone down 4 pant sizes, but still, i feel like i look exactly the same! you're doing great though, it's not all about how you look, it's how you FEEL. and i'm sure you feel great down 102 lbs!!
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