Frustrated by lack of results

I am about to pull my hair out! I have been working out, keeping within my calorie range, drinking a lot of water, green tea. And nothing is happening. I feel bloated and like my results are not coming. I worked so hard 5 years ago to lose 70 lbs. And now it feels as if these 20 lbs are not ever going to come off.

I cut out junk food. I eat fruit. I aim to get protein. Nothing fried. I read labels. Whole grain pasta, breads,etc. NO fast food, no extra sodium.

Maybe I need to work out harder. I am at a loss here.

I have been making this change for over 3 weeks now.


  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Well. From what i can see in your diary you have only logged about 5-6 days. And on those days you were either significantly under your goal (900 calories) or way over. I dont know how much you are exercising but here is some information/tips.

    1.) invest in a HRM or something similar so you know precisely what you are burning when working out as opposed to using the machines at the gym

    2.) Eat consistently. Not 800 calories here, 1600 there, 1200 here, etc. Always aim for your 1200-ish calories you have in there. When you do work out and know exactly how much you burned, eat whatever you burn.

    3.) Start adding strength training to your routine if you have less to lose.

    4.) log. every. day. Period. Good, bad, whatever. Because it's hard to find out what isnt working when you are looking at an incomplete puzzle.

    Good luck! Keep in mind it takes time to lose weight and sustain weight loss. Make these changes for life not "i've been doing well for 3 weeks". If you are planning on keeping the weight off indefinetly then realize you have a really long time to reach your goals.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Eat at your BMR... might be a bit more calories than you are eating now but it helped me.
  • missyshelle
    That is the reason it looked like I was over my limit. I was at a higher (self-create) limit then re did my profile and went down to 1200. But from all of the reading I have done on here, it seems as if it may be too low.

    Also, when i originally lost 70 lbs, i never counted calories, Just made wise choices. Breakfast daily, snacks, healthy meals. My food choices consisted of whole grains, lean meats, fruits, veggies, teas, water, very very little processed foods etc. I lost a steady 2 lbs a week.

    And the past few days of looking like I am way under, my daughter has gotten really sick and by evening, I forget to enter in the rest of my meals.

    I know its hard to get a good idea of how I am eating from my diary. Once I get here taken care of, itll be more consistent.

    But seriously, today is the first time in week I have had what I Consider junk. I had a small slice of cake. Even with that, I am still way within my calorie range.

    Guess actually seeing my calorie counts has me more confused than just eating as healthy as possible. But I have read so many of the benefits of food journals.

    Anyway, my new goals are just to focus on eating healthy, doing some type of exercise at least 5xs a week and drinking lots of green tea and water. Ill just go from there......

    Sigh . . .just was so much easier at 29 than 35 LOL
  • missyshelle
    Eat at your BMR... might be a bit more calories than you are eating now but it helped me.

    I just calculated mine. Its 1552. Ill try that for a week or so and see how that goes!

    Thank you for all of the advice.