keeping the weight off

Ok I know I still have 60 lbs to go but I have 38 lbs off so far. But I have a ? How do we keep it off once its gone? My BMR is like 2200 a day so do I stay under that with 30 min workouts a day? How does this work?


  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    Your BMR is the amount of energy your body will use whether you eat or not. It's the amount of energy your body requires to sustain your body weight and function normally.

    So, if you do not want to lose weight you can eat the BMR limit and be sure that you will be maintaining that weight. If you exercise you can eat back those exercise calories and be sure that you will not go over.

    So for you, once you hit your goal weight just stick to the BMR and you'll be fine.
  • Thanks! That helped alot!:)
  • Just be aware that as you get smaller your BMR will mostly likely change, so calculate it again before you go onto maintenance cals. :)
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Go on a "diet" that you will be on for the rest of your life. It's plan and simple. Thats why gimmicky diets do not work.
  • Thanks everyone. Also for the reminder to recheck my BMR once the weight is off. I try to eat everything low fat or a healthier version of everything but once the weight is off I just don't want to blow it at a bday party with cake and icecream or an occassional choc bar. I have def. learned self control :)
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    a one day party, or occasional snack is NOT going to blow it. :) UNLESS you let it completely derail you, so you do not get back on track the next day. :)

    I often have a snack, such as a few cookies, a bowl of ice cream, a piece of cake. The secret is, don't do it everyday in a row, and try to just make room in your daily calorie count . But some days its ok to go over a bit now and then - that does not UNDO everything. Enjoy life, just use wisdom. This needs to be a lifestyle you can live with.

    I actually have a free day once a week, where I do go over on my calorie ranges, and eat all kinds of so called "bad" foods. Pizza, soda, fast food, some movie theater popcorn, cake and ice cream, donuts for breakfast, whatever. I do not gorge myself, or eat mindlessly, but if I am hungry, and want or crave something I normally don't eat - I have it that day. :) Its just a relaxed day, and I personally still track my foods and calorie consumption, just for my own general info.

    Though I personally do not consider any food bad, nor totally avoid any food group. But obviously I do not eat that way everyday.

    You just use moderation, common sense, etc. Any food can be part of a healthy lifestyle, if you use some common sense, and appropriate portion control, as it falls within your calorie ranges. Of course if something is a problem because of a specific health or disease issue, you would not eat that. :)

    I have lost 60 pounds doing this, and almost at my goal weight now.

    My Dr. is very pleased with all my blood work, which is always in his words "excellent"

    To maintain you just make good food choices 80/90 percent of the time - then the 10% not so good choices are okay.

    I also caution you on eating only low fat food choices all the time. This can backfire, as the body needs a certain amount of healthy fats both to stay healthy, and to help you feel satisfied. So do not overdo low fat options.